
來源: 2020-03-21 07:14:44 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

尊敬的8老師,2004年我給我哥申請移民的時候,他的女兒還小. 現在我哥收到了移民麵試,若我哥的移民成功,他的女兒已超過21歲但未婚,我哥還能給他的女兒辦移民嗎?多謝!

-Depends on her CSPA age. The child's CSPA age = the child's actual age when the I-130 priority date is current (排期到時) based on A Form - the I-130 pending days

Note: I-130 pendinng days = I-130 aprpoval date - I-130 receipt date

You can find the I-130 approval date (i.e. the I-130 approval notice issued date) and I-130 receipt date from your I-130 approval notice.

If the child's CSPA age is less than 21, then she can immigrate to US together with her father as her father's derivative. Otherwise, she cannot immigrate to US using your I-130 benefits.