
回答: 再請教8老師隔壁張三興2017-01-26 16:07:11

填寫 i864ez 的第三個條件,the sponsored immigrant is the only person immigranting base on the underlying visa petition. 我為國內父母雙雙申請綠卡,分別提交 i130,我符合這個條件嗎?不符合,是否就隻需提交i864表就行了?

-Just fill out I-864 which applies to any circumstances.

請教8老師,謝謝。另外,繳納$120的DS-261審核費, 父母是否隻需繳納一份就行?

-That is Affidavit of Support (AOS) Fee, i.e. I-864 fee. You need to pay two AOS fees, respectively, for your father and mother because their cases are two separate cases (not related to each other.
