回複:請教H1 回國的問題
1。 2000年的時候夫妻吵架,去過一趟警察局,判PROBATION三個月,這個返簽時還要向大使館匯報嗎?(如果匯報了,會有麻煩嗎?)
-It seems you were arrested and guilty though you got probation. So, techincally you need to report it in the Form DS-160 and in mmy personal opinion, this might affect your visa application. So, I do not suggest you to travel to China unless you have the advanced parole after you file your I-485.
2。我是在一家consulting company 上班,算full-time,如果離開客戶(client) 公司回國兩星期,consulting company will not pay me for this vacation, 這樣入境的時候,(或將來遞485的時候), 會不會有麻煩?