回複:今天我們綠了, 附sample letter of recommendation

來源: 2007-09-17 23:08:55 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:
其實移民官並不會花時間在某一封推薦信上的。他們每天要審查大量的申請材料,所以在一個case上花的時間可想而知。最關鍵的其實還是cover letter。在這封推薦信中,把“Indeed, Dr. XXX is the originator of a theory which explains the origin of XXX. He has also made seminal contributions in resolving the long-standing puzzle of inverted acceptor-bound exciton states in many semiconductor materials.”,,,“It is well established that Dr. XXX is a very top researcher in his field and his work has made a great impact on others in the same field. ”這二句話歸納到cover letter裏麵就足夠了。所以推薦信篇幅太長也沒必要。隻要移民官知道你cover letter(或summary)裏麵的引文確實是來源於推薦信原文就可以了。如果真的推敲細節,這封信準備的也不妥當,如果是美國教授出具推薦信,推薦人建議移民官批準該申請,是很合理合情的;如果是一個荷蘭教授,給予申請人以高度評價,是合情合理的(這些就足夠了);非讓荷蘭教授強烈推薦美國移民官批準申請人的美國移民申請,沒什麽必要。好在人家不會推敲推薦信細節,人家主要精力還是在cover letter或summary上。應該從律師那麽要一份cover letter或summary,這樣以後你就是移民專家了,可以幫助好多周圍的朋友,實現夢想。