FNH is a benign tumor, or lesion, that forms in the liver. These tumors are not cancer.
FNH is more common in women, mostly between the ages of 20 and 50.
It's the 2nd most common type of benign liver tumor (liver hemangiomas are the most common).
FNH affects between 0.6% and 3% of the general U.S. population. About 8% of all benign liver tumors that aren't hemangiomas are FNH.
Focal Nodular Hyperplasia (FNH) Treatment
FNH tumors do not become cancer. In most cases, doctors only treat FNH that causes symptoms.
Your liver doctor will want to see you every three to six months for follow-ups and imaging tests.
These appointments and scans are to make sure the tumor isn't growing.
Lifestyle changes to treat FNH
Doctors might suggest you stop taking birth control pills if you have FNH. If you keep taking them, your doctor might want you to have routine imaging tests to keep an eye on the tumor.
To support your liver's health, doctors might also urge that you:
- Eat a healthy diet.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Exercise.
- Avoid alcohol.
Trans-arterial embolization (TACE) to treat FNH
If your tumor gets larger than the typical 4 to 8 centimeters , doctors may use TACE to shrink it.
During TACE, specialists will inject medicine into the hepatic artery to block blood flow and prevent the mass from growing.
Surgery to treat focal nodular hyperplasia
If the FNH is large, surgeons may remove the tumor.
In partial hepatectomy surgery, or resection, surgeons extract the tumor and a small part of the tissue around it.