
來源: 2019-03-10 13:11:14 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

1. I-130子女(也就是申請人)的出生公證:以前出國時的公證已經十多年了,據說現在的公證都是4頁了,以前的公證處都是2頁的,是需要重新辦一個出生公證嗎?

-I don't know your 出生公證 details, so I cannot make a judgement. You may need to do a new one if you don't feel confident on the old one.
2. 公證書的簽發處對於公證處級別有要求嗎?比如說一定要直轄市的市級公證處的,區級公證處的可以嗎?

-No difference, but the 公證處 needs to know how to do it to meet the US immigration requirements including the translation version/copy.