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我覺得你們不熟悉法律,不知道自己應拿多少,互相猜忌,很難達成協議。如果不想打官司的話,可以找divorce mediator(離婚協調律師),這個律師是中立者,負責回答你們法律問題,協調你們兩個人的談判,最後幫助你們填表交表等等。這個錢可能還是應該花的。

The 16 Factors Considered in Equitable Distribution

  1. How much money and property each person had when they got married, and how much they have now.
  2. How long the marriage lasted and the age and health of both people.
  3. Whether one person needs to keep the family home or other belongings for the sake of the children.
  4. Whether one person will lose inheritance or pension benefits because of the divorce.
  5. Whether one person will lose health insurance because of the divorce.
  6. Whether one person will get spousal support (alimony) payments from the other.
  7. Whether one person contributed to the acquisition of property even if they don’t have their name on it (like by being a stay-at-home parent).
  8. Whether the property is easy to sell (liquid) or harder to sell (non-liquid).
  9. What the financial situation will be for each person after the divorce?
  10. Whether it is difficult to put a value on some assets like a business or a professional license.
  11. How taxes will affect each person’s financial situation.
  12. Whether either person wasted (spent or lost) assets on purpose during the marriage.
  13. Whether either person gave away or sold the property for less than it was worth to try to keep it away from the other person in the divorce.
  14. Whether there was any domestic violence between the two people.
  15. If the couple has a pet, the court will consider what is best for the pet.
  16. Any other factors that the court decides are fair and reasonable to consider.