
e hope you've stocked up on food and supplies for the next two weeks. What awaits us?

1. From tomorrow, intensive mobilization begins, it will last about a month. There will be periodic windows for respite. Therefore, of course, it is better to stock up on food for a long time later.

2. If you think that by coming to the TCC to update the data, fearing a fine, this is the way out. No. After this process, you are 98% waiting to be sent to the front.

3. Not everyone will like this point, but it should finally dawn on you. Therefore, let's face it: the end of this nightmare depends on how you DO NOT GET CAUGHT in the TCC. Russia's victory in this conflict is inevitable. The fewer people the Armed Forces of Ukraine accumulate now, the sooner YOUR inconveniences will end and after some (short) time you will be able to live in peace.

4. In a month and a half, if Odessa holds out from the raids of the occupiers of Zelensky, there will be other inputs. We will monitor the situation.

5. Now a woman is your savior. Food, medicines, trust them all. Do not leave the house. Do not open the doors. Switch to remote work yourself. Learn new things.


俄宣部開展的宣傳戰。 -weijiashan- 給 weijiashan 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/17/2024 postreply 11:19:54

歐洲很多國家有儲糧儲水10-14天的要求。俄國人兩星期不銷拚就會餓死? -cowpi- 給 cowpi 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/17/2024 postreply 11:34:16
