那個 Loser 和 炮製的虛假聯合國聲明

一早就看到了這篇,對這些人一貫的懷疑。 花了點時間在網上查了一下。 結果如下:

1) Loser 給出的鏈接是CNN 的一篇報道,無關。

2)原鏈接在這裏 : Israel/occupied Palestinian territory: UN experts deplore attacks on civilians, call for truce and urge international community to address root causes of violence | OHCHR

3)原文開頭是: “GENEVA (12 October 2023) – UN independent experts* today unequivocally condemned targeted and deadly violence directed at civilians in Israel and violent and indiscriminate attacks against。。。” 被他們改成 : The United Nations has .... in a statement released Thursday. 也就是說一個聯合國官員的個人觀點,改成讓人以為是聯合國聲明。


