
來源: 2024-05-06 05:41:15 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:




* 牧師,我不為自己工作,我不為政客工作,我為上帝服務,我為人類服務。這個願望當然是好的。

* 某黨黨員,我不為自己工作,我不為政客服務,我們沒有自己獨立的利益,我們隻為了國家和人民服務。

* 這篇文章裏的教授:Professors don’t work for politicians, they don’t work for trustees, and they don’t work for themselves. They work for the public. 這個也很牛的,自己給自己發證書,自己給自己屁股上蓋QC pass章。證書也挺大的。好像也是搞得靈魂附體。







Published in the print edition of the May 6, 2024, issue, with the headline “Tower in Flames.”


The right at stake in these events is that of academic freedom, a right that derives from the role the university plays in American life. Professors don’t work for politicians, they don’t work for trustees, and they don’t work for themselves. They work for the public. Their job is to produce scholarship and instruction that add to society’s store of knowledge. They commit themselves to doing this disinterestedly: that is, without regard to financial, partisan, or personal advantage. In exchange, society allows them to insulate themselves—and to some extent their students—against external interference in their affairs. It builds them a tower.

The pro-Palestinian demonstrators who created the conditions that the Jewish students allege are antisemitic are immunized by the First Amendment. “From the river to the sea” is a political slogan, classic protected speech. That is why Congress does not subpoena the demonstrators but goes after university presidents instead. The members of Congress who grilled Shafik want universities to punish demonstrators precisely because the government cannot.

Academic freedom is an understanding, not a law. It can’t just be invoked. It has to be asserted and defended. That’s why it’s so disheartening that leaders of great universities appear reluctant to speak up for the rights of independent inquiry and free expression for which Americans have fought. Even after Shafik offered up faculty sacrifices on the congressional altar and called in the N.Y.P.D., Republicans responded by demanding her resignation. If capitulation isn’t working, not much is lost by trying some defiance