Learning to be wild 讀後碎片之一

來源: 2024-03-25 09:26:37 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:


最近讀完了這本Learning to be wild, 有幾個印象深刻的碎片。

Amazon 雨林裏2種鸚鵡: 綠色的小鸚鵡 (parrots),和五彩繽紛的大鸚鵡(Macaws)

小鸚鵡的顏色是保護色,混入周圍綠色雨林。這是natural selection

大鸚鵡因為個頭大,天敵已經很少了。五彩繽紛是因為它們的審美,是因為它們用“美”來吸引異性。達爾文的理論也是這樣:補充natural selection 的是sexual selection 


...the world appears beautiful so that the living may love being alive in it. Life has developed-and we have inherited-a sense of the beautiful to let us feel at home in the world, without further reason