就是,見過天地間輝煌燦爛,不會再在意空氣裏懸浮的一點點水分 :-)

來源: 2023-10-19 11:35:40 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:


第二組大有但丁氣氛(隻缺一個 fiery beam :-)):

Meanwhile we linger'd by the water's brink,
Like men, who, musing on their road, in thought
Journey, while motionless the body rests.
When lo! as near upon the hour of dawn,
Through the thick vapours Mars with fiery beam
Glares down in west, over the ocean floor;
... ...

第三組第一張,看左起第一位白色毛發同學頭巾花色,估計他也是 SS 人民不共戴天的公敵;第二張可以想像男琴師無以遮掩的“手舞足蹈” :-)

第四組,電視劇名想來是“Love in the Time of ...” :-)


最後一張,海鷗見慣尋常事,輕身早過N重簾 :-)
