哈哈。無鍵盤input is painful, 也“綜述”一下吧:-), 觀測蜂鳥變向速跑顯然是一個跨學科熱門課題:-)

來源: 2023-08-07 05:45:15 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

得從半個世紀前說起。上世紀6、70年代有人寫過一個在同類作品中至今被尊為經典的三部曲係列小說,叫"The Illuminatus!", btw, very fun to read。小說裏有一個人物,叫Markoff Chaney (顯然是“綜述”markov process的Markov :-) ), 是一個frustrated & bitter dwarf, 他報複社會的“方案”是"Operation Mindf*ck" 

去年暑假看過一本某主流媒體出版的書,也叫"Operation Mindf*ck" (書名顯然是“綜述” Markoff Chaney同學), not a novel but fun to read too. 查了一下,還在kindle裏,作者是Robert Guffey

Guffey同學顯然也是一位Hummingbird Interest Club成員,書的Introduction裏才有這麽一段不無“綜述”蜂鳥特技嫌疑的text: :-)

"... if you meet someone who begins spouting—without irony or humor—unimaginative, pre-scripted slogans you've seen posted a thousand times on the internet, run in the opposite direction as fast as you can. There lies the Village of the Damned."

謝分享。代表Old Tuscany人民祝New Tuscany人民一周開心 :-)