
來源: 2016-11-01 20:31:29 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:


送你一個政治鬥爭的準折 -- 永遠不要卷入政治鬥爭,除非關係到你的生死存亡。從上下文看,你應該認可這一條。

大老板 Aaron,老板 Ben, 挑戰者 Chris

大老板不一定真會問你,問你的話,是一個露臉表現的機會。如何回答,取決於你想要的結果 -- 人品口碑上和人際關係上。最好的結果,在我看來: 口碑上做實自己一心做實事的形象,讓和Aaron的關係保持職業化,讓和Ben的關係不至於惡化並讓他因你躺槍而略微內疚,讓Chris因你未落井下石而心存感激。

Aaron: Hermosa, I would like your opinion on an issue that’s troubling me. Ben and Chris are butting heads and it has come to a point that I might have to do something drastic.

Aaron: What do you think about Chris? What is the the worst that could happen if he is no longer with us?
Hermosa: Chris has been here for a long time, his knowledge and experience is very valuable. I’ve learned a lot from him and it will be sad to see him go.

What do you think about Ben? Do you think he should take his share of blame?
Hermosa: Sorry, Aaron, but I don’t think it is fair to put me in this situation. I work for Ben and I really appreciate his trust and support. I respect you and Ben. But I would like to continue to focus on my work and I wish you would leave me out of any political situations.

Do you have any suggestions for me to make them work better together?
Hermosa: Wouldn’t that be nice. To be honest, I have been losing sleep over this. If there is less conflict in the office, everyone can get more things done and everyone will be happier. I trust you can fix this and make everything better. And you have my full support if you need me to do anything.



在職場混了很久了,按說應該知道怎麽做, 但是好像腦子突然不管用了。
大大老板: A
我老板: B
我同事: C
B 跟 A 認識近二十年了,不是一家人勝似一家人, B兩年前主動請纓到公司來, 說是公司COO不合格, 最後把人給勸走了。 B 人很聰明但是性格奇特, 沒有人緣, 基本上他恨所有人, 所有人都恨他, 但是他有大大老板A撐腰。
C 從一普通員工做了12年一步步爬上來, 很得大大老板A信任。 B跟C掐架掐了兩年了,都仗著跟A關係鐵, 誰都不服誰。
B在我麵前說一定要把C踢出去, C在我麵前說大大老板肯定不會答應。 不久B就要我在大大老板A麵前表態了。 我這人吧人緣還行,兩個人都跟我說對方怎樣怎樣,我煩死了。 其實兩人都該各打五十大板。 我真是不想表態, 但是恐怕逃不過去, 怎麽跟大大老板說才好呢? 先謝謝各位了!