該不該辭職 - 再次感謝大家

來源: 2015-09-25 08:15:55 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

我在工司的處境和在網上做了個該不該 辭職的測試是這樣的:

Management doesn't acknowledge my contribution

No longer getting challenging assignments

Have been passed over for promotion,

Has taken away many of my responsibilities.

No including in any important meetings (or emails).


You clearly have very serious problems with your job and quitting is probably in your best interests if you can afford to do so.

一直工作很不開心,忍著想等找到工作或公司把我辭了再說。 也和老板多次溝通過,但每次他都表麵上說你的工作是組裏最滿意的,可工作時事實完全像上麵所寫的情況。請大家幫我判斷一下我的情況是該走了嗎?
