美國老土,虎校長: 可以給些建議嗎? 謝謝

來源: 2011-10-01 19:01:02 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

I just landed a govenment job which is GS job, however, the pay is the same as my current pay, but the job is 40 miles away (my current job is local, just 10 minutes away). I tried to used what I learned from the weekly meeting to negotiate the salary, but the Division Chief told me since this is government job, he only can match what I have right now, which is the low end of their pay range for this position, he also admit that I am the best candidate they had and he recognize my expertise. I told him I will talk with my family and will let him know if I will accept his offer. Do you think I should negotiate some pay raise? My current situation is I will accept this offer since I will not have any future in my current job, but I will feel better if I can get more since I will spend two hours on the road and gas cost. Thanks.