居然還有這種事, 申請2024Fall, 給2025 Spring 錄取?

來源: 2024-03-14 07:53:19 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

某校這樣的操作也太誇張了吧, 也沒給個解釋? 俺仔細看了申請材料, 明明申請的2024Fall啊, 大夥兒見過這樣的事嗎?Gap半年去上學?

啥是special offer? 一分錢獎學金都沒有!去還是不去?壇子裏有沒有接到這種offer最後去了的?一年根據學校的計算器快九萬刀。 

 Though it is not the entry term for which you have applied, this special offer of admission for Spring 2025 signals our sincere interest in you and our desire to have you join XXXX