Choosing vehicles to keep teenage drivers safe (1)

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Choosing vehicles to keep teenage drivers safe (2) -soccer88- 給 soccer88 發送悄悄話 soccer88 的博客首頁 (154527 bytes) () 09/13/2016 postreply 18:32:04

Choosing vehicles to keep teenage drivers safe (3) -soccer88- 給 soccer88 發送悄悄話 soccer88 的博客首頁 (1733785 bytes) () 09/13/2016 postreply 18:36:02

終於看到推薦的list,真不容易 -mingying- 給 mingying 發送悄悄話 mingying 的博客首頁 (169 bytes) () 09/13/2016 postreply 18:46:59

嗬嗬,像你這小年紀一定要選 -soccer88- 給 soccer88 發送悄悄話 soccer88 的博客首頁 (36418 bytes) () 09/13/2016 postreply 18:48:03

俺要能跑能踩雪還不容易壞的,你那清單裏沒有哇 -mingying- 給 mingying 發送悄悄話 mingying 的博客首頁 (163 bytes) () 09/14/2016 postreply 06:14:03

不吃草的馬:) -修車工- 給 修車工 發送悄悄話 修車工 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/14/2016 postreply 08:55:36
