Toyota Tundra vs. Nissan: A Physics Lesson in Mass & Matter

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小尼桑 90 英裏 時速追尾 60 英裏時速的 豐田大皮卡,結果很慘。


This was a physics experiment in Mass vs. Matter... turns out the little car's mass didn't matter. Fortunately, I got to drive away unscathed under my own power. Unfortunately, the other occupants left in an ambulance strapped to a spine board. I have sympathy for the sleeping passenger, but her boyfriend was driving like an idiot.

The abridged version is this: I was doing 60mph in the center lane on the interstate and saw him in the rearview mirror flying up behind me at over 90 MPH. With little time to react, I accelerated hard to get out of the way, but it was too late. I braced for impact and had one hell of a ride as my ass end was lifted up, pushed sideways a bit, and was let back down... resulting in one hellacious 360 degree spinout with white smoke and the characteristic mud tire roar, which I somehow recovered from and was able to get off the interstate and pull onto the shoulder (I'm sure thanks to skills acquired during wilder teenage years). I pulled the young black couple out of their smoking car (air bags blown, windshield shattered, glass, rubber, and plastic everywhere... a rainbow of fluids running out from their vehicle). Myself and another put them into the back of a Good Samaritan's car nearby. She was holding her upper left quadrant which, as a physician, made me nervous about the possibility of a splenic rupture. She had a bad headache too, but cranial nerves were intact and she remained conscious without any focal deficits. The driver was dazed and confused (was he high??) and his face had the characteristic air bag road-rash looking burns. I pray they are both doing well at this hour. And I thanked God many times that my 8 1/2 month pregnant wife stayed at her mom's in Baton Rouge today instead of coming home with me as planned. Things happen for a reason...


