回複:are you sure ??? stop drving with VSC & CEL on

來源: 2010-09-16 11:49:13 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

Why does the VSC light check engine light keep staying on?
In: Check Engine Light [Edit categories]

First check and make sure your gas cap is tight, if this does not resolve the problem read below.

A vacuum hose has become disconnected, more than likely due to having your air filter replaced. The VSC and Check engine light typically don't come on until after 150-200 miles after the vacuum hose was pulled out.

The fix: on the right-hand-side of the engine compartment behind the big plastic housing that holds the air filter you will find a black rubber hose that is not connected to anything. Squeeze the finger clamp on the hose and slide the hose back onto the half inch nipple on the back of the air filter's plastic housing.

In order for the VSC and Check engine light to be turned off, you will need to open the fuse box, right-side of the engine compartment, and pull the 20 amp EFI fuse for 10 seconds. This will reset the system. The fuse location is marked on the lid of the fuse box, also I believe the EFI fuse is the only 20 amp fuse.