你的車ac沒有 "afterblow" 功能

來源: 2010-04-01 04:43:58 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:


Afterblow 的功能是停車後,風扇繼續工作,把空調裏的積水盡量吹幹。


Saturday, May 17, 2008
Hui and I drove up to Ayer Itam dam this morning. But this time its not for long runs :) After ascending the steep winding road, we stopped and parked the car. Hui asked me whether my engine is off. I said yeah, must be another car. But when I checked again, it is indeed my car!

This reminded me of Lai Teng's car. Apparently the fan will still run even after the engine has been turned off. Googling confirmed this.

I have a 2002 volvo s60. After the engine is shut off a fan will begin to run anywhere between 5-15 minutes after. And it does not do it every time the engine is shut off. I bought it in May 2006 and it just started doing this the end of July. The air blows out the vents into the car. I'm not sure if it is the a/c fan or the motor fan. Is there a fan that runs after the engine is shut off to cool it down?

Hello! That is a feature called "afterblow". The interior fan will can sontimes run depending on how long the a/c has been on or ambient temperature. This is to dry out any condensation in the climate system. This a feature that can be re-programmed or turned off. Only a dealer or a Volvo shop will have the right tools to re-program it.