Here is a general guideline

來源: 2009-03-09 19:07:05 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

1) what to buy is based on what kind of car(s) you have - if your car(s) is a german or asian made, you'll need a set of tools in metric system; if yours is an american one, you'll need a set in ASE.

The following recommendations are based on my assumption that you are having a Japanese car:

(2) sockets:
- a set of regular socket in 3/8" drive:
from 12mm to 19mm (normally it comes with a set. if you buy them individually, you can skip 16mm and 18mm for now as it is very rare to use).
- a set of socket in 1/4" drive: 6mm - 11mm. 9mm is rarely being used, but i have used it for brake bleeding, so get it.

- a set of open wrenches from 7mm to 22mm (you can skip 16mm and 18mm, 20mm and 21mm)

(3) alan wrenches:
- a set of that in 3/8" drive

(4) screw drivers:
large and small; flat and philip

(5) torque wrench:
140ft-lbs in 1/2 drive

(6) a set of drive adapters (harbor tools selling one bag for 2.99)

(7) socket drives:
1/4", 3/8" and 1/2". extension bars for 3/8 and 1/4.

(8) a breaker drive 1/2" (iirc it's either 12" or 14" in length)
(9) plyers
(10) 4" c-clamp (you'll need it someday, not now)
(11) a hammer
(12) 2 jackstands with at least two tons rating

These will give you a good start. you can buy more when you need those someday when you hands-on diy.

good luck!