I believe Kandinsky read lots of Nietzsche, but,

來源: 2017-12-07 18:38:58 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

Kandinsky was both a painter and a writer! 得意 He can certainly write like Nietzche.

For the art part, he can construct his art theory however he wanted,  but the abstract forms and colors in his painting is open to interpretation (exactly because of its abstractness).  Personally, IMHO, I think Kandinsky's abstract art is just the opposite of Nietzschean beliefs.

I'm not denying that Nietzsche has certain influence on visual art, esp on German expressionism paintings. But in my view, for most part of modern art history, the single biggest force of change is science.