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    #跟帖#  說的好! 在波士頓地區,房價沒下太多,值得invest的房子很難找。 [投資理財] - xxq2001(134 bytes ) 2009-07-29
    #跟帖#  加州舊金山,矽穀地區不是有很多朝陽行業嗎? [投資理財] - xxq2001(0 bytes ) 2009-07-27
    #跟帖#  其實我個人同意你的觀點。 買房子作為投資回報,有價。 可是 [投資理財] - xxq2001(431 bytes ) 2009-07-25
    #跟帖#  1。前幾年,在好區買大房子升值多。 2。 為了孩子上好區學校。 [投資理財] - xxq2001(281 bytes ) 2009-07-25
    Rent in metro Boston area [投資理財] - xxq2001(237 bytes ) 2009-07-17
    #跟帖#  I spoke with city housing officer this morning. She [投資理財] - xxq2001(152 bytes ) 2009-07-17
    #跟帖#  可以請inspector查一下,也許可以當成講價的條件。 [投資理財] - xxq2001(0 bytes ) 2009-07-13
    #跟帖#  地麵有裂縫可能是澆注水泥時收縮不勻造成的。如果 [投資理財] - xxq2001(30 bytes ) 2009-07-13
    #跟帖#  日本房價一蹶不振,是因為人口老化,自然出生率低的根據 [投資理財] - xxq2001(202 bytes ) 2009-07-13
    #跟帖#  John R. Talbott 的這兩本書我也剛讀過,我很同意他的觀點。 [投資理財] - xxq2001(916 bytes ) 2009-07-13
    ZT: Apartment Vacancy at 22-Year High in U.S. [投資理財] - xxq2001(3648 bytes ) 2009-07-08
    #跟帖#  房價已經跌那麽多了,還會持續暴跌嗎? [投資理財] - xxq2001(0 bytes ) 2009-06-26
    #跟帖#  回複:格林斯潘: 房價若不止跌 美國經濟難言複蘇 [投資理財] - xxq2001(0 bytes ) 2009-06-26
    #跟帖#  Another view: High Housing Starts Don't Reflect Reality [投資理財] - xxq2001(162 bytes ) 2009-06-16
    #跟帖#  Another view: Second-Half Recovery Is "Nonsensical": Economy Sti [投資理財] - xxq2001(314 bytes ) 2009-06-16
    #跟帖#  對於大部分家庭,灣區房價還需要再掉不少,才能用一個人 [投資理財] - xxq2001(47 bytes ) 2009-05-11
    零首付買房 [投資理財] - xxq2001(1208 bytes ) 2009-05-11
    #跟帖#  Wow, deep cut into cash flow! If I am buying now, I would [投資理財] - xxq2001(144 bytes ) 2009-05-08
    #跟帖#  那以後要找你來的人就多了: Tenents, City, Insurance Company ... [投資理財] - xxq2001(0 bytes ) 2009-05-06
    能租何必買? [投資理財] - xxq2001(1629 bytes ) 2009-05-06
    #跟帖#  不要買。結構不好,可能要沒完沒了往裏投錢,還是不喜歡。 [投資理財] - xxq2001(68 bytes ) 2009-05-04
    #跟帖#  Thanks for the info. So, there is no big hurry to refi now. [投資理財] - xxq2001(0 bytes ) 2009-05-01
    #跟帖#  I share your view. The influence of China is on the rise. [投資理財] - xxq2001(473 bytes ) 2009-04-29
    #跟帖#  文章的link是不是錯了? 不是house price versus income. [投資理財] - xxq2001(0 bytes ) 2009-04-23
    #跟帖#  這個猶太人,07年賣房,08年底買回來,沉不住氣。 起碼應該等3年 [投資理財] - xxq2001(92 bytes ) 2009-04-22
    #跟帖#  前幾年銀行放貸過度,現在需要de-leverage,縮小貸款規模。 [投資理財] - xxq2001(52 bytes ) 2009-04-18
    對於經濟危機的先見之明 [投資理財] - xxq2001(2103 bytes ) 2009-04-18
    #跟帖#  美國“進口並消費”的商業模式可能會有變化,但是不會滅亡吧? [投資理財] - xxq2001(0 bytes ) 2009-04-18
    #跟帖#  sorry about the typo 應該是美國人家庭和小孩 [投資理財] - xxq2001(0 bytes ) 2009-04-09
    #跟帖#  不同意:“住獨立別墅是社會地位的象征,以後小孩上學,也不會因為住聯排別墅被人看低了。” [投資理財] - xxq2001(97 bytes ) 2009-04-09
    #跟帖#  50% down must include lots of foreclosure sales, not a typical [投資理財] - xxq2001(80 bytes ) 2009-03-12
    #跟帖#  According to John R Talbott, housing prices will decline [投資理財] - xxq2001(318 bytes ) 2009-03-12
    #跟帖#  很多這個壇子很多人算cash flow是按照現在的房租計算, [投資理財] - xxq2001(126 bytes ) 2009-03-08
    #跟帖#  對於大多數人的家庭來說, 還有幾項必要的開支: [投資理財] - xxq2001(237 bytes ) 2009-03-08
    Worst is yet to come for job market (ZT) [投資理財] - xxq2001(5309 bytes ) 2009-03-06
    #跟帖#  Equity Line利息經常變動,如此大的貸款用Equity line很不安全。 [投資理財] - xxq2001(278 bytes ) 2009-03-06
    #跟帖#  Totally agree! [投資理財] - xxq2001(0 bytes ) 2009-03-06
    #跟帖#  這種方法也不錯,比較簡單。 謝謝! [投資理財] - xxq2001(0 bytes ) 2009-02-26
    #跟帖#  如何 resize 上傳的照片? [投資理財] - xxq2001(239 bytes ) 2009-02-26
    #跟帖#  如何 resize 上傳的照片? [投資理財] - xxq2001(165 bytes ) 2009-02-26
    ZT: The 5 biggest lies on Wall Street [投資理財] - xxq2001(13935 bytes ) 2009-02-23
    ZT: Housing Plan: Five Things Investors Need to Know [投資理財] - xxq2001(5969 bytes ) 2009-02-19
    #跟帖#  1。 房客不交房租, 2。 修理費,維護費過多超過利潤,3。房子空了找不到合適房客, [投資理財] - xxq2001(27 bytes ) 2009-02-11
    美國房價何時見底 [投資理財] - xxq2001(2952 bytes ) 2009-02-08
    #跟帖#  對你的評論深有同感,但願美國不至於布日本後塵。 [投資理財] - xxq2001(58 bytes ) 2009-02-08
    #跟帖#  對不起,你的評論常常空洞無物,最好能列舉點事實。 [投資理財] - xxq2001(0 bytes ) 2009-02-08
    對經濟的預測是非常重要的,尤其是對於關心投資的人。 [投資理財] - xxq2001(745 bytes ) 2009-02-07
    #跟帖#  What is the hurry to buy investment rental property now? [投資理財] - xxq2001(349 bytes ) 2009-01-21
    #跟帖#  Amid Layoffs, Companies Take Rare Step: Cutting Pay [投資理財] - xxq2001(0 bytes ) 2009-01-20
    Yahoo Finance: Amid Layoffs, Companies Take Rare Step: Cutting P [投資理財] - xxq2001(1397 bytes ) 2009-01-20
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