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    #跟帖#  There are 22 episodes in season I. Don't know how [影視人生] - screenfun(73 bytes ) 2006-12-27
    越獄第二季共有多少集?哪位能上傳13集以後的?謝了 [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-12-25
    越獄第二季共有多少集?哪位能上傳13集以後的?謝了 [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-12-25
    #跟帖#  張甲田 , are you the actor? [影視人生] - screenfun(41 bytes ) 2006-12-22
    K司令,剛發現 黑冰的第20集不全,懇請補發!謝謝! [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-12-20
    #跟帖#  Thank you very much. It is a breathtaking show. [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-12-17
    Again, 求“越獄”第一季10-12.Please help! [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-12-15
    求“越獄”第一季 6-8和10-12。鄭重謝謝。現有的均無效。 [影視人生] - screenfun(53 bytes ) 2006-12-15
    各位大俠能否別再往MEGAUPLOAD上傳文件了 [影視人生] - screenfun(113 bytes ) 2006-12-14
    #跟帖#  The pictures are very vague. I hope sb.can do a better one. [影視人生] - screenfun(100 bytes ) 2006-12-14
    Where is Prison Break Season1? [影視人生] - screenfun(95 bytes ) 2006-12-12
    #跟帖#  What are the English name for these 播放器? How to 解碼 [影視人生] - screenfun(155 bytes ) 2006-11-19
    littlefox, the file can't be played. Please advise. [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-11-19
    #跟帖#  littlefox, [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-11-19
    Can you guys play 007? Mine says file has error. [影視人生] - screenfun(77 bytes ) 2006-11-19
    #跟帖#  回複:回複:下“加裏森敢死隊”有竅門嗎?我現在的速度是6KB/S [影視人生] - screenfun(185 bytes ) 2006-11-17
    求美電視劇“王朝”和“浮華世家” [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-11-17
    下“加裏森敢死隊”有竅門嗎?我現在的速度是6KB/S [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-11-16
    K司令,血疑的第4集下了幾次都下不來,能給看看是不是有問題嗎?謝謝 [影視人生] - screenfun(64 bytes ) 2006-10-29
    求意大利電視連續劇“出生入死”--女檢查官和黑手黨的較量。鄭重謝謝 [影視人生] - screenfun(66 bytes ) 2006-10-23
    請問諸位,“新上海灘”應是幾星級? [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-10-23
    “紹興師爺”的最後一集怎麽是上傳鏈接而不是下載鏈接呢? [影視人生] - screenfun(54 bytes ) 2006-10-22
    #跟帖#  “半路夫妻”好像26集也有問題,哪位能一並傳一下嗎?謝謝。 [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-10-15
    求“半路夫妻”第12集。現有的地12集鏈接was messed up,實際上是第11 [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-10-15
    求“半路夫妻”第12集。現有的地12集鏈接was messed up,實際上是第11 [影視人生] - screenfun(78 bytes ) 2006-10-15
    求“征服”第20集。順便問一下:“故鄉的雲”好看嗎 [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-10-11
    隱行天下, do they speak Korean with Chinese display in《冬季戀歌 [影視人生] - screenfun(67 bytes ) 2006-10-04
    #跟帖#  Do they speak Korean with Chinese display? [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-10-04
    “五月槐花香”的畫麵清晰度能否改善? [影視人生] - screenfun(91 bytes ) 2006-09-29
    #跟帖#  非常感謝cb808。能否改善畫麵的清晰度? [影視人生] - screenfun(91 bytes ) 2006-09-29
    為什麽“空中激戰”的第一、二部分沒法下載? [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-09-28
    請問如何解壓“三十九級台階”?我renamed file to "rmvb",但被告知 [影視人生] - screenfun(77 bytes ) 2006-09-26
    識時務者龔雪也! [影視人生] - screenfun(388 bytes ) 2006-09-22
    Looking for 電視劇《我在天堂等你》6,11. Thanks. [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-09-16
    #跟帖#  how to work with the show? [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-09-13
    感謝janesc2003的辛苦成果.North & South連續劇有第3部嗎? [影視人生] - screenfun(108 bytes ) 2006-09-12
    #跟帖#  janesc2003,請問第一集的7個files是combine成一個700MB的文件為BOOK [影視人生] - screenfun(85 bytes ) 2006-09-09
    求援--“我在天堂等你”第一集連接無效 [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-08-28
    求援--“我在天堂等你”第一集連接無效 [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-08-28
    求斯泰隆演的“勝利大逃亡”--盟軍戰俘與德國兵賽足球。 [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-08-24
    插翅難飛3 links don't work. Can the sender check? [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-08-24
    K司令,“幾都秋涼人生”的第一、二集連接不工作,能看一下嗎?謝謝 [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-08-19
    求美電視連續劇“南北亂世情”“North & South" [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-08-08
    求阿蘭 德龍版“佐羅”和日本電影“生死戀”(栗原小卷)。先謝了。 [影視人生] - screenfun(61 bytes ) 2006-07-21
    #跟帖#  I tried, and it worked. Thank you very much! [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-07-01
    #跟帖#  博客的內容已變了。它是象期刊一樣的嗎?那麽如何找舊的那一期呢?謝 [影視人生] - screenfun(68 bytes ) 2006-06-30
    請問誰能再貼一下“徽娘宛心”,我還沒下載完。 [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-06-30
    Links for《江山風雨情》44,45 don't work. [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-06-05
    Awesome, can you please advise which tool should [影視人生] - screenfun(252 bytes ) 2006-05-31
    what tool do you use to download megaupload.com file? [影視人生] - screenfun(0 bytes ) 2006-05-30
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