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    #跟帖#  Indeed, Thanks a lot! [影視人生] - catcherintherye(0 bytes ) 2009-06-25
    #跟帖#  得裝VobSub [影視人生] - catcherintherye(114 bytes ) 2009-06-25
    #跟帖#  你所有在hotfile的東東都下不了啊。 [影視人生] - catcherintherye(121 bytes ) 2009-06-24
    為啥俺的外掛字幕.srt都成小方塊了? [影視人生] - catcherintherye(204 bytes ) 2009-06-22
    #跟帖#  There's no HD for that, only DVD at best. You can rent from Bloc [影視人生] - catcherintherye(0 bytes ) 2009-06-17
    #跟帖#  Thank you very much. I liked the novel very much [影視人生] - catcherintherye(29 bytes ) 2009-06-16
    #跟帖#  VLC Player [影視人生] - catcherintherye(0 bytes ) 2009-06-15
    #跟帖#  Try VLC Player [影視人生] - catcherintherye(201 bytes ) 2009-06-15
    #跟帖#  過程很複雜,耗時很漫長,把電腦接電視快多了 [影視人生] - catcherintherye(0 bytes ) 2009-06-10
    #跟帖#  If you bother to use such a thing, a PC is a better option [影視人生] - catcherintherye(615 bytes ) 2009-06-01
    誰以後要有了《雲南的響聲》可要請分享 :) [影視人生] - catcherintherye(0 bytes ) 2009-05-25
    #跟帖#  The ultmate solution for Windows Media Player or Media Center [影視人生] - catcherintherye(351 bytes ) 2009-05-17
    #跟帖#  前天才上影, 耐心 [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(0 bytes ) 2009-04-24
    #跟帖#  Ding, top quality 10/10 video [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(0 bytes ) 2009-04-24
    請別上傳南京!南京!這個必須自覺看正版 [影視人生] - catcherIntherye(41 bytes ) 2009-04-24
    #跟帖#  OMG, fantastic! makes me feel my IQ isn't high enought, LOL [影視人生] - catcherIntherye(0 bytes ) 2009-04-22
    #跟帖#  她大概不知道她投靠的主人中最不齒的就是她這號的. [影視人生] - catcherIntherye(132 bytes ) 2009-04-02
    #跟帖#  謝謝. 這個是DVDrip 希望質量不錯. [影視人生] - catcherIntherye(0 bytes ) 2009-04-02
    #跟帖#  謝. 有誰能補上非洲篇麽? [影視人生] - catcherIntherye(0 bytes ) 2009-03-31
    #跟帖#  Get an HDTV first [影視人生] - catcherIntherye(335 bytes ) 2009-03-29
    #跟帖#  Yes, if [影視人生] - catcherIntherye(496 bytes ) 2009-03-22
    #跟帖#  very good, thank you for posting this. [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(0 bytes ) 2009-03-21
    #跟帖#  俺上回說過,就是有,也隻給人,不與奴。 [影視人生] - catcherintherye(0 bytes ) 2009-03-21
    #跟帖#  Do not download stuff you don't know, or you don't need. [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(0 bytes ) 2009-03-04
    #跟帖#  No MU but you can get it here vis bittorrent [影視人生] - catcherintherye(39 bytes ) 2009-02-26
    #跟帖#  頂起, I like to move move it :) [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(0 bytes ) 2009-02-26
    #跟帖#  本來有, 看見這個跪字, 改主意了. 隻與人不與奴 [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(0 bytes ) 2009-02-26
    #跟帖#  回複:如何將Matroska Video 轉成DVD格式?winavi converter不能,thank you! [影視人生] - catcherintherye(330 bytes ) 2009-02-24
    #跟帖#  Excellent movie. Search bittorrent and you can find it. [影視人生] - catcherIntherye(0 bytes ) 2009-02-23
    #跟帖#  多謝. [影視人生] - catcherintherye(0 bytes ) 2009-02-23
    強烈推薦: 大漢人物傳 [影視人生] - catcherintherye(270 bytes ) 2009-02-22
    BBC 美麗中國 BT download [影視人生] - catcherintherye(164 bytes ) 2009-02-18
    #跟帖#  Niu. Thank you very much [影視人生] - catcherintherye(0 bytes ) 2009-02-03
    #跟帖#  牛人! [影視人生] - catcherintherye(0 bytes ) 2009-01-29
    猜猜這是啥電影裏的 [影視人生] - catcherintherye(48 bytes ) 2009-01-29
    #跟帖#  多謝. 這個跟暮然MM前天傳的好象一樣. 其實不算高清. [影視人生] - catcherintherye(45 bytes ) 2009-01-28
    #跟帖#  被打死的 [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(0 bytes ) 2009-01-28
    Yummy 兄, 1080i的出來沒? [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(0 bytes ) 2009-01-28
    #跟帖#  俺跟你一起等那1080吧 [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(0 bytes ) 2009-01-26
    #跟帖#  俺明天call你 :) [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(0 bytes ) 2009-01-26
    #跟帖#  太監版在哪, 俺也要, [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(0 bytes ) 2009-01-26
    #跟帖#  when did 戲曲晚會 run on CCTV4? [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(0 bytes ) 2009-01-26
    #跟帖#  rmvb is not as good as h264 [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(368 bytes ) 2009-01-26
    #跟帖#  google madagascar torrent [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(120 bytes ) 2009-01-26
    #跟帖#  高清! 高清! 妹子俺飛吻謝! [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(0 bytes ) 2009-01-26
    #跟帖#  謝, 給您拜年了. [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(0 bytes ) 2009-01-25
    #跟帖#  到了這個megaupload的網頁後如何下載avi文件呀? [影視人生] - CatcherInTheRye(0 bytes ) 2009-01-25
    #跟帖#  最好是CCTV高清的, 先謝 [影視人生] - catcherintherye(0 bytes ) 2009-01-25
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