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    #跟帖#  好帖子!!!!句句是真情。 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-03-21
    台灣的政治已經pass 陳水扁時代 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(573 bytes ) 2006-03-21
    #跟帖#  so? [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-03-12
    #跟帖#  您以為大陸在搞拆遷呢,可以隨便把人移來移去? [兩岸交流] - TitanII(20 bytes ) 2006-03-12
    #跟帖#  讓我想起了朝鮮通訊社對金正日的報道 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(144 bytes ) 2006-03-12
    #跟帖#  How in the world do you know this? [兩岸交流] - TitanII(93 bytes ) 2006-03-12
    #跟帖#  國內的人都對瞎話習以為常了。幹嗎還要點破它呢? [兩岸交流] - TitanII(320 bytes ) 2006-03-12
    #跟帖#  Although what you said is true, many people here may [兩岸交流] - TitanII(46 bytes ) 2006-03-10
    #跟帖#  Nice people are nice, and jerks are jerks. [兩岸交流] - TitanII(111 bytes ) 2006-03-10
    #跟帖#  A dog is a dog, no matter what it says. [兩岸交流] - TitanII(496 bytes ) 2006-03-10
    陳水扁有麻煩。 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(468 bytes ) 2006-03-03
    #跟帖#  agree. [兩岸交流] - TitanII(148 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    #跟帖#  可能會。但你我肯定看不到了。 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    #跟帖#  son, ur idot! Why say that to your grandma? [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    #跟帖#  hey, son, do not say that to ur grandma! [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    #跟帖#  在台灣生活了幾十年後,大陸的親戚朋友是否還和大陸人一個想法? [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    #跟帖#  您又吃完午飯上班了? [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    #跟帖#  首先搞清楚,評委裏有沒有美國人。 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    #跟帖#  第一段,說的基本在理。第二段,不敢苟同。 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(78 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    #跟帖#  賽什麽?總的有個內容麽。 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    #跟帖#  ? what facts? [兩岸交流] - TitanII(177 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    #跟帖#  and you are working hard to look like that. [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    #跟帖#  U will be invited to the ceremony, provided there is one, [兩岸交流] - TitanII(109 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    #跟帖#  then I use yr mom's [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    新華快訊:中國人民解放軍在台北為總統府升起五星紅旗! [兩岸交流] - TitanII(44 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    新華快訊:台灣國民黨主席馬英就在解放軍入城式上發表講話 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    新華快訊:台灣人民向入城的中國人民解放軍鮮花! [兩岸交流] - TitanII(50 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    內部快訊:中國人民解放軍占領台北101大樓!!! [兩岸交流] - TitanII(198 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    號外:陳水扁服毒自殺!!!! [兩岸交流] - TitanII(82 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    滾滾雷聲十數載,早已震的我耳聾;茫茫大地千萬裏,滴雨未下一片枯 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(58 bytes ) 2006-02-28
    #跟帖#  有本事就打過去;沒本事,就 shut the Fxxx up! [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    #跟帖#  就別忽悠這裏的人了,有本事 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(20 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    胡錦濤訪美肯求布什處置陳水扁 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(588 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    #跟帖#  胡錦濤也沒權,隻有布什總統有權。 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    都是老馬惹的禍?---ZT [兩岸交流] - TitanII(1008 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    #跟帖#  take a break, dude. [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    #跟帖#  u r one of his fans. [兩岸交流] - TitanII(584 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    #跟帖#  interesting. one of the best posts today. [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    #跟帖#  大陸的網警都像你這樣就好了。 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    euro 網友的一句話點到了中共的痛處! [兩岸交流] - TitanII(268 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    #跟帖#  別辯論不過,就破口大罵好不好? [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    加油幹,台灣省省長同誌,接著造謠,接著忽悠, [兩岸交流] - TitanII(32 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    #跟帖#  hehe,我說了,中共淨搞這沒用的 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(114 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    #跟帖#  現在的事態還不明朗?你比中共還鴕鳥! [兩岸交流] - TitanII(0 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    #跟帖#  hehe, 僑報是中共在北美辦的報紙,主編都是人民日報派來的, [兩岸交流] - TitanII(111 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    #跟帖#  等美國人民解放軍的鋼鐵洪流在天安門廣場上閱兵的時候 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(34 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    還是要佩服中共,不服不行啊! [兩岸交流] - TitanII(363 bytes ) 2006-02-27
    馬英九拋出“選項”,初試對岸反映 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(670 bytes ) 2006-02-16
    馬英九拋出“選項”,初試對岸反映 [兩岸交流] - TitanII(670 bytes ) 2006-02-16
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