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    #跟帖#  LOL. So nobody has ever cared about you in your life? [體育看台] - Warsteiner(123 bytes ) 2010-12-17
    #跟帖#  All the whatifs, Sigh. Just a sad day for Yao, Rockets, and thei [體育看台] - Warsteiner(752 bytes ) 2010-12-17
    #跟帖#  我覺得這是韓國隊琢磨出來的手段, [體育看台] - Warsteiner(280 bytes ) 2010-11-22
    #跟帖#  韓方挺有可能有意誤解或不向媒體說明, [體育看台] - Warsteiner(350 bytes ) 2010-11-22
    #跟帖#  不敢苟同。看著吧,他們隻會記得韓隊教練識大局, [體育看台] - Warsteiner(547 bytes ) 2010-11-22
    #跟帖#  手段與目的搞混了,前戲太長:D [體育看台] - Warsteiner(0 bytes ) 2010-10-26
    #跟帖#  LOL. Yeah right, We all witnessed THAT. [體育看台] - Warsteiner(243 bytes ) 2010-10-26
    #跟帖#  Still not a Celtics fan, but Heat turns me off with that fiasco. [體育看台] - Warsteiner(108 bytes ) 2010-10-26
    The Heat has 20 games to get together. [體育看台] - Warsteiner(389 bytes ) 2010-10-26
    #跟帖#  Life is fair. 如果他罰球還準的話,那別人就徹底沒活路了:) [體育看台] - Warsteiner(0 bytes ) 2010-08-05
    #跟帖#  Agree. He no longer has that impact in the game. [體育看台] - Warsteiner(244 bytes ) 2010-08-05
    #跟帖#  這個要頂一下,討論足球水平就應該就事論事。 [體育看台] - Warsteiner(710 bytes ) 2010-08-05
    #跟帖#  他去年白拿1700萬,不知道你還要怎麽算法。這是合同, [體育看台] - Warsteiner(419 bytes ) 2010-07-27
    #跟帖#  基裏連科's contract is one of the worst in NBA [體育看台] - Warsteiner(1536 bytes ) 2010-07-27
    #跟帖#  實事求是地講,頂薪球員裏,他的上場時間是最短的。 [體育看台] - Warsteiner(1166 bytes ) 2010-07-27
    #跟帖#  過兄給各種名字的翻譯一直是體壇一景:) Jordan rules [體育看台] - Warsteiner(540 bytes ) 2010-07-22
    #跟帖#  I guess it's no longer about "winning" but rather "geting" a rin [體育看台] - Warsteiner(763 bytes ) 2010-07-22
    #跟帖#  雅辛的外號叫八爪魚,可想而知他防守的範圍有多大:) [體育看台] - Warsteiner(0 bytes ) 2010-07-19
    #跟帖#  說得太好了。因為他們的弱點太明顯,所以沒敢說他們的華麗:) [體育看台] - Warsteiner(158 bytes ) 2010-07-12
    #跟帖#  這年頭形容詞不要錢,所以隨便亂甩。不過說華麗是過分了, [體育看台] - Warsteiner(119 bytes ) 2010-07-12
    #跟帖#  西班牙確實是最好的球隊,但是看著喜歡不起來。 [體育看台] - Warsteiner(489 bytes ) 2010-07-11
    #跟帖#  It was really bad. Barkley was hurt the most, coz he took [體育看台] - Warsteiner(548 bytes ) 2010-07-09
    #跟帖#  是啊,一定要好好恢複,多練中投,能夠麵對籃筐, [體育看台] - Warsteiner(68 bytes ) 2010-07-09
    #跟帖#  姚明也防不住加索爾的中投,與Pick & Roll. [體育看台] - Warsteiner(259 bytes ) 2010-07-09
    Is Yao Ming a better player than Gasol? [體育看台] - Warsteiner(1500 bytes ) 2010-07-09
    #跟帖#  這話說的,怎麽去?哭著喊著去?火箭不放怎麽辦? [體育看台] - Warsteiner(113 bytes ) 2010-07-09
    #跟帖#  現在可能不會更壞,但是明年可能會好得多。 [體育看台] - Warsteiner(334 bytes ) 2010-07-09
    #跟帖#  You mean Delonte scores double then :) [體育看台] - Warsteiner(0 bytes ) 2010-07-09
    #跟帖#  The funny thing is, during the Big 4 fiasco in LA. Kobe accused [體育看台] - Warsteiner(68 bytes ) 2010-07-09
    #跟帖#  問題是現在這種情況,3年骨折三次,誰也不敢給他長期大合同。 [體育看台] - Warsteiner(190 bytes ) 2010-07-09
    #跟帖#  Nice writing. Club like Cleveland have it harder than other [體育看台] - Warsteiner(845 bytes ) 2010-07-09
    It's pure business, and LBJ chose the easier way out. [體育看台] - Warsteiner(1381 bytes ) 2010-07-09
    #跟帖#  Sure I agree Spain is definitely a better team, but Germany [體育看台] - Warsteiner(227 bytes ) 2010-07-07
    #跟帖#  Like I said, showing too much respect, too afraid of fouling. [體育看台] - Warsteiner(64 bytes ) 2010-07-07
    #跟帖#  Well said. They didn't show their trademark mental toughness [體育看台] - Warsteiner(130 bytes ) 2010-07-07
    盡管我押對了一半,西班牙進決賽了,但是我並不高興。 [體育看台] - Warsteiner(879 bytes ) 2010-07-07
    #跟帖#  相對他們 set up 的水平來講。 [體育看台] - Warsteiner(0 bytes ) 2010-07-06
    #跟帖#  實事求是地講,今年的德國隊的比賽是最熱血沸騰的。 [體育看台] - Warsteiner(279 bytes ) 2010-07-06
    #跟帖#  胡亂猜想 - 這裏的MM相對比較成熟,喜歡穩健牢靠的風格, [體育看台] - Warsteiner(158 bytes ) 2010-07-06
    #跟帖#  做人當然要有人格,但是自己的感覺都要隨著陌生人的評論 [體育看台] - Warsteiner(220 bytes ) 2010-07-06
    #跟帖#  我好像沒看到德國足球隊發表聲明,說他們很討厭中國女球迷, [體育看台] - Warsteiner(281 bytes ) 2010-07-06
    #跟帖#  什麽時候開始對隨便什麽網上的一點評論就要大驚小怪了? [體育看台] - Warsteiner(164 bytes ) 2010-07-06
    #跟帖#  年紀大了,記性比較差?5分鍾前,剛給人家帶個大帽子, [體育看台] - Warsteiner(322 bytes ) 2010-07-06
    #跟帖#  我隻知道所有的相聲小品演員要在春晚上擠兌男足, [體育看台] - Warsteiner(145 bytes ) 2010-07-06
    #跟帖#  又一個要代表全國人民說話的,你要崇拜那些吃喝嫖賭 [體育看台] - Warsteiner(186 bytes ) 2010-07-06
    #跟帖#  自信的人不會整天對於別人的看法與感覺耿耿於懷。 [體育看台] - Warsteiner(0 bytes ) 2010-07-06
    #跟帖#  居然還有人把中國男足等同於祖國文化,這不是讓老祖宗們 [體育看台] - Warsteiner(32 bytes ) 2010-07-06
    #跟帖#  管天管地還要管人家驕傲?驕傲這個東西本來就是個人感覺, [體育看台] - Warsteiner(54 bytes ) 2010-07-06
    看看德國隊3:0以後防守的態度,不得不服他們的認真態度 [體育看台] - Warsteiner(0 bytes ) 2010-07-03
    #跟帖#  What a beautiful 3rd goal! [體育看台] - Warsteiner(0 bytes ) 2010-07-03
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