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• #跟帖# 馬上就走,晚安- 色大膽小 [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 。。。你今天怎麽晚上也上網啦- 電泡 [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 還有人嗎? [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 幹嘛學電泡擠人走訥!難得色大晚上值班三偶貼哈!:)^_^ [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 琴辣會了? ;-) [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 哈哈哈!本來是簡單的房東和房客關係!多情了!也就有故事了。 [人在北美] - SJSharks(51 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 沙狐新年魚塊!偶的天!卡拉揚?這那年的?:)^_^ [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 沒去成!隻能當地轉轉!BSO你個頭啊!正 [人在北美] - SJSharks(26 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 友情提示:該換相機了,全白板 :D [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 哈哈哈!今天才剛晴。去Tahoe交通,酒店一塌糊塗,隻能吃來吃去 [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 在家天天被逼交公糧,快挺不住了?:)^_^ [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 哈哈哈!潛美不也推波助瀾嗎?!:)^_^ [人在北美] - SJSharks(21 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 代價太大!真的犧身了!美人換江山咱虧本哈!:)^_^ [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 豈止是青梅竹馬?!幾年前在彎曲。哀!都怪偶一時鬼迷心翹,讓肥水外流了。 [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 不會!拉時在路邊把琴盒打開就中! [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 給你兒子找小提琴曲去?想當年潛美和偶六歲就開始拉提琴了!:)^_^ [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 身邊還真有朋友女兒不能Focus,隻有用藥幫忙的。 [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 赤果果的XMJDH! :-) [人在北美] - SJSharks(35 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 哈哈哈!忽叫獸在子女教育壇也這樣獻策?:)^_^ [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# BTW 樓下音樂會不錯。基本上為 [人在北美] - SJSharks(36 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• #跟帖# 小的坐的住嗎?咱這有Russian 芭樂舞跳的。想去,但 [人在北美] - SJSharks(14 bytes ) 2012-12-29 | |
• 《光榮綻放 十大青年小提琴演奏家音樂會》 [人在北美] - SJSharks(40 bytes ) 2012-12-28 | |
• #跟帖# 十二年沒回國還是沒見劉大師。有哪木難嗎?:)^_^ [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-28 | |
• #跟帖# 今夜酒醒何處?楊柳岸,曉風殘月。 不錯,應景!也撩起偶 [人在北美] - SJSharks(17 bytes ) 2012-12-28 | |
• #跟帖# 頂三點!再練練可比哪啥賣黨姥強多了!:))):))) [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-28 | |
• #跟帖# 天不怕地不怕的我,現在也開始害怕了。。。 -mychina- [人在北美] - SJSharks(54 bytes ) 2012-12-28 | |
• #跟帖# PFM to BMT 女ID: 用戶is PFM, Potential Fresh Meat ! :)^_^ [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-27 | |
• #跟帖# Wow! PFM !!?? [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-27 | |
• #跟帖# 哈哈哈!活都活不到哪歲數能說正當年嗎?一晚七次才正當年吧!?:)^_^ [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-27 | |
• #跟帖# 你音質更接近Elaine Paige,模仿她更容易, 更好聽。。。 [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# 晚安 [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# 三寶可是你灌壞的哈:))):))) [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# 三點唱英文沒問題,音Yu4也沒問題。這個關鍵不能當流行歌曲唱。 [人在北美] - SJSharks(67 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# 老貓生蛋魚塊!:))):))) [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# 用胸腔一起發音再試試。:)^_^ [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# $75!?咱這來就先收車馬費六十。其它另算。上房頂至少又一百。 [人在北美] - SJSharks(31 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• 德龍,潛美人呢?在準備一盤很大的棋嗎? [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# 用戶,你就從了吧!人等不及了!;)^_^ [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# 哈哈哈!那說的花下鬼啥的。向西也值了!:)^_^ [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# 彼此彼此哈!鹹著也是鹹著!:)^_^ [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# 現在趕趟的是:一路向西 [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# 嗯!挺好!快,直接,不亂轉瞎耽誤功夫。 [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# 老虎被恐龍摧殘,來不及吃醋。牛哥豬蹄湯加醋多多地。 [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# 這這這!?不能全怪偶哈!都是牛哥那豬蹄黃豆湯鬧的。 :-) [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# Wiki! not mine,你受過苦?夜色! [人在北美] - SJSharks(35 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# 沒見人對你眉來眼去嗎?!要快,別亂轉瞎耽誤功夫。:)^_ [人在北美] - SJSharks(41 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# Selfishness is harming someone else in order to help oneself。 [人在北美] - SJSharks(0 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• Ttedey美美大膽往前走,別自私,放棄自我,瘋狂愛一次!用戶就在前頭!:)^_^ [人在北美] - SJSharks(31 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# 樓上兩位:Wiki: Selfishness is harming someone else in order to help [人在北美] - SJSharks(86 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
• #跟帖# 為自己沒錯。傷害別人要盡量避免!當然竟爭溺死偶活。 [人在北美] - SJSharks(113 bytes ) 2012-12-26 | |
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