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    #跟帖#  小學,初中和高中 most of them are Christian school that [人在北美] - noso(91 bytes ) 2011-03-10
    #跟帖#  both Obama and Michelle Obama got no money [人在北美] - noso(0 bytes ) 2011-03-10
    #跟帖#  to be honest, no! [人在北美] - noso(79 bytes ) 2011-03-10
    私立學校什麽時候成了貴族學校? [人在北美] - noso(171 bytes ) 2011-03-10
    為人其實比較底調的好 [人在北美] - noso(198 bytes ) 2011-03-10
    男人嘛。。。,女人嘛。。。 [人在北美] - noso(450 bytes ) 2011-03-09
    美國把中國文化標新立異 [人在北美] - noso(497 bytes ) 2011-03-09
    什麽才代表中國文化? [人在北美] - noso(432 bytes ) 2011-03-09
    男女流淚之區別 [人在北美] - noso(88 bytes ) 2011-03-09
    #跟帖#  a good copy is still a kind of art [人在北美] - noso(0 bytes ) 2011-03-09
    非誠勿擾裏麵說明剩女的幾個問題 [人在北美] - noso(210 bytes ) 2011-03-09
    人的悟性真是差別很大 [人在北美] - noso(262 bytes ) 2011-03-09
    震撼啊:今天一個80歲的老美老板跟我說了一句話 [人在北美] - noso(35 bytes ) 2011-03-08
    剛給三號發個郵件 [人在北美] - noso(90 bytes ) 2011-03-07
    #跟帖#  what a great line!!! [人在北美] - noso(85 bytes ) 2011-03-07
    #跟帖#  I saw it twice [人在北美] - noso(19 bytes ) 2011-03-07
    #跟帖#  oh common on, [人在北美] - noso(127 bytes ) 2011-03-07
    #跟帖#  all I saw was a beautiful girl who wasn't shy about things [人在北美] - noso(176 bytes ) 2011-03-07
    #跟帖#  not really [人在北美] - noso(30 bytes ) 2011-03-07
    PC王很久沒來上課了,先給你提綱挈領地說幾句 [人在北美] - noso(345 bytes ) 2011-03-07
    try [人在北美] - noso(1843 bytes ) 2011-03-07
    #跟帖#  回複:你這同學的審美觀揍是白花花。 [人在北美] - noso(88 bytes ) 2011-03-07
    #跟帖#  回複:那個雕琢出的芙蓉? [人在北美] - noso(12 bytes ) 2011-03-07
    #跟帖#  回複:你喜歡這節目? [人在北美] - noso(53 bytes ) 2011-03-07
    談談“非誠勿擾” [人在北美] - noso(41 bytes ) 2011-03-07
    朗朗的問題 [人在北美] - noso(602 bytes ) 2011-01-26
    #跟帖#  it's time for American to know: [人在北美] - noso(57 bytes ) 2011-01-26
    奧巴馬演講概述 [人在北美] - noso(297 bytes ) 2011-01-26
    美國白人的問題 [人在北美] - noso(855 bytes ) 2011-01-17
    左派認為自己always 是對的,保守派認為憲法才是對的 [人在北美] - noso(0 bytes ) 2011-01-14
    左派最可笑的是振振有詞地造謠惑眾 [人在北美] - noso(429 bytes ) 2011-01-14
    #跟帖#  what they should know is [人在北美] - noso(124 bytes ) 2011-01-10
    #跟帖#  chicken feet.. [人在北美] - noso(0 bytes ) 2011-01-10
    #跟帖#  OK la [人在北美] - noso(0 bytes ) 2011-01-10
    what did I say? Brown is going to cut and tax [人在北美] - noso(721 bytes ) 2011-01-10
    無知的左派總是把極端分子的行為與反對左派的人劃等號 [人在北美] - noso(494 bytes ) 2011-01-10
    #跟帖#  I went to your photo profile link, I must say I am proud of you. [人在北美] - noso(0 bytes ) 2011-01-10
    #跟帖#  union thugs [人在北美] - noso(0 bytes ) 2011-01-10
    #跟帖#  good one. [人在北美] - noso(0 bytes ) 2011-01-10
    有暴力傾向的是左派而不是右派 [人在北美] - noso(473 bytes ) 2011-01-10
    #跟帖#  Palin is much stonger than that. : ) [人在北美] - noso(0 bytes ) 2011-01-10
    listen to what the victoms's father is saying [人在北美] - noso(455 bytes ) 2011-01-10
    我很遺憾地向左派紅衛兵們宣布,亞利桑那凶手是你們一夥的 [人在北美] - noso(58 bytes ) 2011-01-10
    讓佩林對槍殺案負責,同讓北美灘某人為那些不來的ID負責一個道理 [人在北美] - noso(183 bytes ) 2011-01-10
    加州鳥民選個民主黨老賊當州長隻能說明一個問題 [人在北美] - noso(471 bytes ) 2011-01-06
    #跟帖#  let the past be gone... [人在北美] - noso(49 bytes ) 2011-01-06
    慶賀共和黨拿下參議院,趁奧巴馬兩年不加稅,再出江湖 [人在北美] - noso(84 bytes ) 2011-01-06
    #跟帖#  hahaha~~~ [人在北美] - noso(0 bytes ) 2011-01-06
    #跟帖#  you came here late [人在北美] - noso(65 bytes ) 2011-01-06
    #跟帖#  :) [人在北美] - noso(41 bytes ) 2011-01-06
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