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頁次:1/1 每頁50條記錄, 本頁顯示1 到15, 共15 分頁: [1] | |
• #跟帖# 給個鏈接 [美語世界] - 胡同裏的二順子(0 bytes ) 2012-10-19 | |
• #跟帖# 送你五個字,無知者無畏 [美語世界] - 胡同裏的二順子(0 bytes ) 2011-04-23 | |
• #跟帖# at least, I dont see it as competition, there is no point. [美語世界] - 胡同裏的二順子(49 bytes ) 2011-01-04 | |
• #跟帖# 嗬嗬, 從你語氣裏可以了解,你其實很不服氣。不過沒關係,隻是個chitchat,不過btw [美語世界] - 胡同裏的二順子(217 bytes ) 2011-01-04 | |
• #跟帖# 嗬嗬,你的英語已經很好了,至少比我的好。就是一個正常的chitchat, no hard feelings [美語世界] - 胡同裏的二順子(0 bytes ) 2011-01-04 | |
• #跟帖# well, if she is dresed like to school, thats a different story. [美語世界] - 胡同裏的二順子(524 bytes ) 2011-01-04 | |
• #跟帖# I think you need to look at it the other way [美語世界] - 胡同裏的二順子(669 bytes ) 2011-01-04 | |
• #跟帖# sure, why not? sounds like a good idea. how to get in touch? do [美語世界] - 胡同裏的二順子(0 bytes ) 2011-01-03 | |
• 學好外語,不如學好邏輯和文化 [美語世界] - 胡同裏的二順子(2550 bytes ) 2010-12-28 | |
• #跟帖# 年輕人有時候說點過於激進,過於偏激,甚至一點帶麵的話,可以原諒,你沒必要跟上了,嗬嗬。 [美語世界] - 胡同裏的二順子(0 bytes ) 2010-12-28 | |
• #跟帖# 你要去聯合國上班嗎? [美語世界] - 胡同裏的二順子(0 bytes ) 2010-12-28 | |
• #跟帖# 俺是這麽看的,再大的大師,隻要你不是母語,也難免被人吹毛求疵。 [美語世界] - 胡同裏的二順子(1553 bytes ) 2010-12-28 | |
• #跟帖# I think this guy has gone way too far from the right track, but [美語世界] - 胡同裏的二順子(50 bytes ) 2010-12-26 | |
• To bigmous, a letter to your boss [美語世界] - 胡同裏的二順子(1454 bytes ) 2010-12-25 | |
• #跟帖# nobody can help very much unless he or she is given the full sto [美語世界] - 胡同裏的二順子(159 bytes ) 2010-12-23 | |
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