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    #跟帖#  Thanks,eagle, just learned. It's for a friend. :) [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-25
    #跟帖#  Have a nice weekend! [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-25
    【活色生香】歌曲:半麵妝 [美語世界] - lilac09(4579 bytes ) 2010-06-25
    #跟帖#  阿哈,都是專業強貼呀~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-21
    #跟帖#  Good one!!飄是我高中時最喜歡讀的,讀了不下3遍,中文版:) [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-21
    #跟帖#  太漂亮了,這裏也隻有妹妹你能回答這個問題~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-21
    #跟帖#  Good question.~ [美語世界] - lilac09(384 bytes ) 2010-06-21
    #跟帖#  俺從這期學到的東西,多謝愚公~~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(3322 bytes ) 2010-06-21
    #跟帖#  ok 哈,同意同學。鷹鷹當然不會這麽慘~~ :) [美語世界] - lilac09(92 bytes ) 2010-06-20
    #跟帖#  轉的,轉的,都老江湖了,怎麽還不知道lz的風格~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(128 bytes ) 2010-06-20
    #跟帖#  哈哈,隻能說明您來美壇太不夠頻繁了:) [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-20
    #跟帖#  不好意思,有點不同意見,我覺的飛鷹在詩中用的沒有問題~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(356 bytes ) 2010-06-20
    #跟帖#  這個不易翻,俺來竊以為一下~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(183 bytes ) 2010-06-19
    #跟帖#  Thanks YuGong. Glad you like it.~~ :) [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  對呀,隻要心不封(瘋)就好哈~ [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  這位新同學在搶一位老同學的飯碗,連搶的方式都一樣:) [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  謝謝板板,你的朗誦很甜美~~聽了俺也心癢癢的 [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  和俺猜的一樣,我也猶豫過,完成時態好象太羅嗦,過去時是不大好 [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  WOW, Sis, 真棒,太喜歡了,謝一噸~~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  大謝,sis,存了,一定要在blog裏把這一篇改改試試~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  謝謝,那個啥,熊老,展開談談~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  嗬嗬Sis,template俺還是從你那偷的,不敢占功~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(66 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  千妹,你的韻角壓的很好,非常精彩~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  謝飛鷹mm, have a nice weekend!~ [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  哈哈,您說笑話了~ [美語世界] - lilac09(114 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  收藏了,一直都很喜歡她~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  Interesting. 看來第一節最不好翻, 也最有爭議:) [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  Good suggestion.I thought "predestinated relationship" too long, [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  別叫了,您昨不是都封筆上天堂了嗎,難道俺現在也上天堂上? :) [美語世界] - lilac09(18 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  謝您指教,翻譯跑意是俺一貫的毛病~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(129 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  奇怪,我可以聽見呀 IE browser~~真有問題嗎? :( [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  年青起就很喜歡席詩,喜歡那份“涉江而過,芙蓉千朵,詩也簡單,心也簡單”的純粹美好, [美語世界] - lilac09(113 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  請美班加入活動。跟風嗲一個,祝大家周末愉快~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    【詩歌*朗誦*翻譯】一棵開花的樹 - 席慕容 [美語世界] - lilac09(5708 bytes ) 2010-06-18
    #跟帖#  飯前抓書過來看了一把,其實就看了那一頁~ [美語世界] - lilac09(757 bytes ) 2010-06-17
    #跟帖#  不客氣,樓上兩位mm~~ Have a nice day! [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-17
    #跟帖#  俺今很忙,有空看了這本,一定盡快給mm解答~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-17
    #跟帖#  俺來說一下,希望不是幫倒忙~~:) [美語世界] - lilac09(1091 bytes ) 2010-06-17
    #跟帖#  謝花美美同學~:) [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-15
    #跟帖#  你的有曆史有追思有人情,寫的好, 同欣賞。:) [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-15
    #跟帖#  好詩,下班前和飛鷹mm一首 [美語世界] - lilac09(254 bytes ) 2010-06-15
    #跟帖#  那個飯前十分鍾,裏拉也應景湊個小破詩一首~~ [美語世界] - lilac09(204 bytes ) 2010-06-14
    #跟帖#  奧,大俠多慮了,這裏好象隻反“情色”,不反政治.因為政治不“情色”ha~ [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-14
    #跟帖#  Nice one。從貝卡那兒偷的框框吧。熊老什麽時候也朗讀一個吧 [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-14
    #跟帖#  那個灰大俠,很有意思的文章,為什麽不單獨貼出來呢? [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-14
    #跟帖#  That's ture~ [美語世界] - lilac09(450 bytes ) 2010-06-14
    #跟帖#  See, Classmate Self, you got it.~ [美語世界] - lilac09(752 bytes ) 2010-06-14
    #跟帖#  Classmate Carpi, being classical is not only your patent. I can [美語世界] - lilac09(1663 bytes ) 2010-06-14
    #跟帖#  Glad you like it. Have a nice week ahead! [美語世界] - lilac09(0 bytes ) 2010-06-14
    #跟帖#  Now I am a fan of this program too~ :) [美語世界] - lilac09(1596 bytes ) 2010-06-14
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