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    #跟帖#  Specificity is essential? Not really. Here is why: below [美語世界] - TJKCB(563 bytes ) 2021-01-27
    #跟帖#  It's easier said than done, but should be done to articulate and [美語世界] - TJKCB(117 bytes ) 2021-01-27
    中源用中,西源用英/台灣成為雙語國家尊重原創,準確到位! [美語世界] - TJKCB(62306 bytes ) 2021-01-27
    the Nation is marching on... [美語世界] - TJKCB(6739 bytes ) 2021-01-20
    #跟帖#  漢語拚音之父”周有光逝世,享壽111歲- 紐約時報中文網/當你用拚音輸入法敲擊鍵盤的時候,他與你的關係就產生了。 沒有他的智慧, [美語世界] - TJKCB(31116 bytes ) 2021-01-09
    #跟帖#  Why not? Have you visited Hong Kong? China Town in New York City [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2021-01-08
    #跟帖#  四方拜神,本性不改!信達雅否? [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2021-01-08
    #跟帖#  All the faith he had had had had 疊字修辭法寓意逢神便拜 [美語世界] - TJKCB(253 bytes ) 2021-01-08
    趙元任、周有光改革漢字用26個英文字母拚音簡化漢字一字形具義寓意 [美語世界] - TJKCB(8263 bytes ) 2021-01-08
    #跟帖#  Thanks so much, 版主, for your encouraging. Well done with your co [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2020-12-22
    #跟帖#  "a dream of read mansions" was the title of the book as they tra [美語世界] - TJKCB(140 bytes ) 2020-12-22
    #跟帖#  grammar errors:-) Learning from my own errors/spot-on yours [美語世界] - TJKCB(878 bytes ) 2020-12-21
    #跟帖#  Neither logical nor Grammarly correct [美語世界] - TJKCB(4936 bytes ) 2020-12-20
    #跟帖#  should be reverse: surname + initial of the first name, right? [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2020-12-20
    楊憲益和戴乃迭Gladys Margaret Tayler/中西合璧的夫妻 [美語世界] - TJKCB(45602 bytes ) 2020-12-20
    The Return of the Native (1994) Catherine Zeta Jones (young) [美語世界] - TJKCB(10648 bytes ) 2020-12-17
    #跟帖#  à Paris de mon rêve [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2020-09-01
    #跟帖#  Merci, breath-taking pictures of shear purity for soul-cleaning [美語世界] - TJKCB(89 bytes ) 2020-09-01
    誠招回頭客/信取八方人[Sincerely looking for returning customers/trustworth [美語世界] - TJKCB(9804 bytes ) 2020-09-01
    #跟帖#  Psalm 55:22 [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2020-01-17
    #跟帖#  well-thought-out writing! [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2020-01-17
    中國油條=French croissant法國羊角麵包 [美語世界] - TJKCB(11764 bytes ) 2020-01-15
    阿諾德施瓦辛格 [美語世界] - TJKCB(3022 bytes ) 2019-09-04
    正義,智慧(謹慎)勇氣(堅韌)和溫和(自我控製,節製) [美語世界] - TJKCB(10621 bytes ) 2019-08-19
    總統也用俗化的新詞手法Rat-Infested ‘Mess’ [美語世界] - TJKCB(759 bytes ) 2019-07-27
    How to know you think in English? [美語世界] - TJKCB(7849 bytes ) 2019-02-28
    How to think in English? [美語世界] - TJKCB(6034 bytes ) 2019-02-27
    Tara Fitzgerald Geraldine Fitzgerald, a hollywood [美語世界] - TJKCB(935 bytes ) 2019-01-20
    Baidu’s Chinese-to-English translator [美語世界] - TJKCB(3354 bytes ) 2018-10-29
    TOP 5 MOST COMMON LANGUAGES IN THE WORLD? [美語世界] - TJKCB(17082 bytes ) 2018-10-09
    Bilingual poem: 張愛玲 / Eileen Chang [美語世界] - TJKCB(3628 bytes ) 2018-10-02
    Dr. Andrew Weil,4-7-8 breathing ,幫助睡眠 [美語世界] - TJKCB(4109 bytes ) 2018-10-02
    you got use tools, such as Polygraphs [美語世界] - TJKCB(15119 bytes ) 2018-09-28
    American Bar Association: a reasonable doubt [美語世界] - TJKCB(4133 bytes ) 2018-09-28
    民主自由要求知識分子用自己的生命來捍衛 [美語世界] - TJKCB(151645 bytes ) 2018-09-27
    The Ghost [美語世界] - TJKCB(20858 bytes ) 2018-06-15
    color to English - Chinese Words Commonly Used in English [美語世界] - TJKCB(20431 bytes ) 2018-06-08
    Note-taking life ... [美語世界] - TJKCB(15551 bytes ) 2018-06-03
    章子怡問起袁力: Straight to the point ! Be specific ! [美語世界] - TJKCB(7855 bytes ) 2018-06-01
    Hypergraphia: OCD [美語世界] - TJKCB(4003 bytes ) 2018-06-01
    英譯之誤 the third day or in three-day? [美語世界] - TJKCB(18399 bytes ) 2018-01-23
    有理、有利、有節 [美語世界] - TJKCB(4200 bytes ) 2018-01-23
    玩英語:你最高水平的掌握英語學習 [美語世界] - TJKCB(3743 bytes ) 2016-10-16
    In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face [美語世界] - TJKCB(2491 bytes ) 2016-10-06
    Married at First Sight [美語世界] - TJKCB(22658 bytes ) 2016-10-04
    Wow! fellow country boys! [美語世界] - TJKCB(5254 bytes ) 2016-08-05
    Chloe Trevor (violin) Jonathan Tsay (piano) Ivy Koval (dancer) [美語世界] - TJKCB(15005 bytes ) 2016-08-05
    Francesca Temporin?: violin [美語世界] - TJKCB(64502 bytes ) 2016-08-05
    #跟帖#  Wow! from dropout of Cal State Long Beach to Harvard commencemen [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2016-08-05
    great violinist [美語世界] - TJKCB(2051 bytes ) 2016-08-05
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