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    never-before-shared secrets behind [美語世界] - TJKCB(7264 bytes ) 2024-09-24
    烏托邦鼠實驗(Utopia Rats Experiment) 宇宙25號(Universe 25)=飽食不想活 [美語世界] - TJKCB(43745 bytes ) 2024-09-19
    螃蟹定律螃蟹效應螃蟹心態=拉別人下水=collectivism face (麵子) [美語世界] - TJKCB(7193 bytes ) 2024-09-17
    Why help those you don't know and don't relate to for what?O [美語世界] - TJKCB(7723 bytes ) 2024-09-13
    #跟帖#  Bingo! You got my point! Your comment? just curious! [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2024-09-13
    REAL honest down to earth recap: TOUCHDOWN Game over [美語世界] - TJKCB(22413 bytes ) 2024-09-12
    enjoy solitude more than company [美語世界] - TJKCB(3087 bytes ) 2024-09-09
    Self-salvation Changing my perspective/Robin Wright自我救贖大自然 [美語世界] - TJKCB(14337 bytes ) 2024-09-08
    Don't sass me別跟我頂嘴I’m messing with you我逗你玩的 [美語世界] - TJKCB(10070 bytes ) 2024-09-02
    #跟帖#  To define "steal" in either case: [美語世界] - TJKCB(377 bytes ) 2024-08-13
    #跟帖#  photo of a bulldozer = open-mouthed tiger [美語世界] - TJKCB(594 bytes ) 2024-06-10
    arc-tic hyperbole quinoa suite [美語世界] - TJKCB(31364 bytes ) 2024-05-21
    Heart Knot (心結 - xīn jié) Fear (恐懼 - kǒngjù) [美語世界] - TJKCB(17649 bytes ) 2024-05-07
    Colored restrooms at NASA [美語世界] - TJKCB(3139 bytes ) 2024-04-30
    A peaceful world: US President jog around street stores [美語世界] - TJKCB(955 bytes ) 2024-04-29
    Books narrated by Keith David: deep, distinct voice command [美語世界] - TJKCB(585281 bytes ) 2024-04-21
    Hong Kong: Soldier Of Fortune 1955 Clark Gable & Susan Hayward [美語世界] - TJKCB(24902 bytes ) 2024-04-19
    America's the de facto aristocracy 'blue bloods' excelling in we [美語世界] - TJKCB(31219 bytes ) 2024-04-17
    #跟帖#  U R very kind! [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2024-04-15
    #跟帖#  Witty! [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2024-04-15
    You can't pour from an empty cup of kindness [美語世界] - TJKCB(2175 bytes ) 2024-04-14
    #跟帖#  yoga gym meditation... [美語世界] - TJKCB(521 bytes ) 2024-04-04
    #跟帖#  Clarity of thought often emerges during walks in nature. [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2024-04-03
    #跟帖#  終於明白了牛頓信神的終極原因世界原本就是混沌的,任何一個微小的影響,放在漫長的時間中都會發生巨大的變化 [美語世界] - TJKCB(6192 bytes ) 2024-04-03
    #跟帖#  Satan spirit wrestles with the Holy Spirit; however, praying [美語世界] - TJKCB(93 bytes ) 2024-04-03
    #跟帖#  What triggered you to Romans 7? As it is about... [美語世界] - TJKCB(17877 bytes ) 2024-04-03
    #跟帖#  China PM Wen. So, Bill Clinton, President of USA [美語世界] - TJKCB(505 bytes ) 2024-04-03
    Meditations by Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius 'Be one' [美語世界] - TJKCB(16546 bytes ) 2024-04-03
    #跟帖#  3 Seas, not 7 oceans, by definition [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2024-04-03
    #跟帖#  Rule of free from Russia influence [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2024-04-03
    the Three Seas States Eastern European countries of 12 [美語世界] - TJKCB(22786 bytes ) 2024-04-01
    Joan Chen in an action movie ! ! ! [美語世界] - TJKCB(18191 bytes ) 2024-03-29
    fiasco ? [美語世界] - TJKCB(2504 bytes ) 2024-03-28
    how to say Ralph Fiennes? Briton actor but w/ French name [美語世界] - TJKCB(4012 bytes ) 2024-03-26
    she is smart, sweet, determined, and obnoxious [美語世界] - TJKCB(3573 bytes ) 2024-03-21
    Train: not just live in the moment but also think of consequence [美語世界] - TJKCB(4272 bytes ) 2024-03-16
    #跟帖#  錢穆 speculation but not solutions. ejul provides solutions [美語世界] - TJKCB(349 bytes ) 2024-03-11
    #跟帖#  Wow! well done! [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2024-03-10
    #跟帖#  Good question! Your thought? [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2024-03-10
    Why "Equal justice under the law" as principle fundamental [美語世界] - TJKCB(6313 bytes ) 2024-03-10
    #跟帖#  Who was the founder? [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2024-03-10
    追索中呈現的心智和操守冰心玉潔/in one's own world [美語世界] - TJKCB(1731 bytes ) 2024-03-09
    #跟帖#  Who else you know? [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2024-03-09
    #跟帖#  Bingo! Jackpot! [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2024-03-07
    Greenhouse flowers = solely engage in self-comparison [美語世界] - TJKCB(5006 bytes ) 2024-03-07
    #跟帖#  Hobbles power of authority government [美語世界] - TJKCB(387 bytes ) 2024-03-06
    #跟帖#  "The King is NOT England. England is NOT the king"—film [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2024-03-05
    #跟帖#  Well said: Hobbs' social contract theory gave up sm freedom [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2024-03-05
    #跟帖#  Hav U see the movie? Like William Wallace [美語世界] - TJKCB(0 bytes ) 2024-03-05
    'Leviathan' power government/English Civil War (1642-1651) [美語世界] - TJKCB(23164 bytes ) 2024-03-05
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