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    #跟帖#  這個電影裏,還有另一隻英軍彈盡藥絕,英軍派醫生與德軍這位彼特裏希將軍談判,請求德軍停火一小時把傷員轉給德軍。一小時後, [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-30
    #跟帖#  英軍幽默,德軍人道 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-30
    #跟帖#  misconduct罪名,輕判5年徒刑。他下屬參與槍殺的都被執行了死刑 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-30
    #跟帖#  在法國任職期間槍殺17名抵抗運動成員,最後結果是他反對槍殺的決定但未能阻止。因為他是直接領導,以 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-30
    #跟帖#  在於個人並非整個德軍如此人道,電影中的Wilhelm Bittrich將軍是有職業道德的一個,1945年被捕,被調查 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-30
    #跟帖#  know your limit, adventure next [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-30
    #跟帖#  Full movie,這一串影星的名字:AnthonyHopkins/SeanConnery/MichaelCaine [美語世界] - 移花接木(291 bytes ) 2023-09-30
    sense of humor before life and death. [美語世界] - 移花接木(1473 bytes ) 2023-09-30
    #跟帖#  aha! 綠兄!! [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-30
    #跟帖#  Leave the birds alone in bush. Birds don't belong 2 cage [美語世界] - 移花接木(167 bytes ) 2023-09-30
    APAD: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush [美語世界] - 移花接木(782 bytes ) 2023-09-30
    #跟帖#  yummy yet safer if using your local ingredients [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-29
    #跟帖#  amen! [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-29
    #跟帖#  Lovely [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-29
    #跟帖#  might lose u the eternal war [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-29
    #跟帖#  Good one, race may won u the battle of life , a swift win [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-29
    #跟帖#  fly me to the moon and cross cup with Miss Change, [美語世界] - 移花接木(56 bytes ) 2023-09-29
    #跟帖#  I followed this Korean Mukbang channel, 簡直是用生命在吃, 看不出作弊,都吃下去 [美語世界] - 移花接木(634 bytes ) 2023-09-28
    #跟帖#  還沒笑夠啊?我以為該貼哭了。 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-28
    #跟帖#  I am so flattered [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-28
    #跟帖#  放高利貸的 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-28
    #跟帖#  等月亮上有了Internet,要嫦娥親自來澄清 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-28
    #跟帖#  This is the traditional version [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-28
    #跟帖#  This is a politically correct version,洗白了 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-28
    #跟帖#  我小時候聽得是嫦娥偷吃仙藥,所以有這句謎語為什麽常娥善變? 因為嫦娥是change [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-28
    #跟帖#  我唱過Fairy tale , 英文版傳奇 [美語世界] - 移花接木(1719 bytes ) 2023-09-28
    APAD: good enough never is [美語世界] - 移花接木(1098 bytes ) 2023-09-28
    #跟帖#  a prank,:-)))) russet indeed [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-28
    #跟帖#  能培育出Russell potato很大程度解決食物危機的人一定很偉大。 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-28
    #跟帖#  What about a picture is worth a 1k words? [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-28
    #跟帖#  doubted how much faith [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-27
    #跟帖#  the Estern should also believe in reincarnation; [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-27
    #跟帖#  Jiu-Jitsu to make dream come true [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-27
    #跟帖#  哈哈哈哈,In a much less martial world, [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-27
    #跟帖#  100000 Persian Army ---Today !!! we die [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-27
    #跟帖#  Remembered one words of the 500 Spartans against [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-27
    Do you guys still see the floating Ads. ? seems Okay now! [美語世界] - 移花接木(1363 bytes ) 2023-09-27
    #跟帖#  內容雖然好,建議標題也更敬業一點,beef belly noodle 難道它不香嗎?英語論壇啊 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-27
    #跟帖#  唱不下來不見得是你的肺活量不夠,而是不會budget提前把氣用完了,那幾個大長句中間都沒有換氣點的 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-26
    #跟帖#  指的是唱歌時的呼吸,瞬間吸氣,呼氣則需要budget out,你可以試試跟唱這首歌,都是長句子你要一口氣唱到那個換氣位置 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-26
    #跟帖#  need carefully budget the air out, for the long lines [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-26
    #跟帖#  addiction? seemed settled pretty good so far........ [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-26
    #跟帖#  the time, he's starting his 3rd marriage [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-26
    #跟帖#  The guy whom I asked this question to, is going..... [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-26
    #跟帖#  Last Christmas 這首歌裏用這句當歌詞 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-26
    #跟帖#  不同的是周幽王丟了美人丟了命,死得痛快,愛8幾乎是被虐待死的 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-26
    APAD: Once bitten twice shy [美語世界] - 移花接木(3644 bytes ) 2023-09-26
    #跟帖#  Inside every cynical person, reside a disappointed idealist [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-26
    #跟帖#  在這二次大戰敏感之際,你與納粹交往甚密,國家存亡的大事英國人怎麽能忍? 愛八的悲劇咎由自取,與周幽王一樣活該 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-26
    #跟帖#  不是,是愛德華八世怪癖專好有夫之婦,沒了王權被美人拋棄,你說你是美國平民,英國人忍下了,你說你是3婚,英國人忍了 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2023-09-26
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