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    #跟帖#  nope, had the US tasted hotpot, they'd never want2 fight any [美語世界] - 移花接木(14 bytes ) 2024-01-26
    APAD: An army marches on its stomach [美語世界] - 移花接木(1805 bytes ) 2024-01-26
    #跟帖#  Beware hypothermia, [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-26
    #跟帖#  If this is not the paradise, I can't think anywhere else [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-26
    #跟帖#  那是他的無人機拍下的圖像,未必是它的戰果,這無人機扔個穿甲小炸彈消滅一輛裝甲車或許能行 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  我剛才差點以為要告別文學城了,輸入好幾遍正確密碼說我錯 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  我明白了,你的視頻是short, 文學城不認,短於1分鍾的視頻會被自動當作short [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  文學城直接有youtube鏈接工具,其它網站需要拷貝整個embedded code [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  文學城server 不保持視頻,就是說你不能從電腦上傳視頻,隻能外鏈,最簡單的是youtube, [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  而大規模要靠火炮,烏克蘭是防守方,時不時用這東西幹掉個別重要目標很奏效, [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  I believe Ukraine is at upper hand.這種無人機隻是電池動力,航時很短對點攻擊效果好 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  grenade(s) + a thermal camera [美語世界] - 移花接木(351 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  I don't know the truth. [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  Pro-Western dominates the media, all news could be biased. [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    Cheap but lethally accurate weapon from Alibaba [美語世界] - 移花接木(4838 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  missing punctuation [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  claims its sovereignty [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  That's Y Israel pushed Israeli settlement where Palestine cl [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  如果出現了,肯定是有重大冤情 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  純粹的軍人如陳納德,巴頓那樣的人在戰爭結束後必定鳥盡弓藏。 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  隻有懂得政治的軍人才能適應時代的變化,典型的是艾森豪威爾,不論當秘書當盟軍總司令當大學校長當美國總統,樣樣拿得起放得下 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  戴高樂的裝甲戰理論被德國人學習融會貫通,成就閃電戰的理論基礎,而法國人對他嗤之以鼻隻想著防禦建工事 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  好笑的是很多這些理論最後成就了敵人,英國人首創用艦載空軍奇襲意大利塔蘭托軍港重創意大利艦隊,給了山本靈感用航母偷襲珍珠港 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-25
    #跟帖#  可惜他比山本還沉不住氣,日本直到1941年底才炸珍珠港, [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  他一是預見空軍的發展及作用,就如多年前那些預言AI,二是珍珠港的美軍戰略存在嚴重威脅日本的海上擴張 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  Great minds think alike, Mitchell與Yamamoto 想一塊去了, 嗬嗬,其實作為戰略家 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  當年的Lieutenant Colonel 軍銜至General James Harold Doolittle96歲高齡 [美語世界] - 移花接木(42 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  而且還冒著驚濤駭浪,這對珍珠港後美軍的士氣是極大的提升,最後這些轟炸機不得已改飛中國沿海耗盡燃油迫降,很多人被救 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  讓B-25B一戰成名,西方人真是不缺冒險家,杜立特竟敢冒險把陸基中型轟炸機從航空母艦小小甲板起飛去轟炸東京 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  My cup of tea!!! 彩色海報上的飛機是B-25B以Mitchell命名,Doolittle raid [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  是的 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  回頭見,我先去麵壁去了,the 7 dwarfs came into my mind [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  last night's storm brought tons of dump [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  Comprehensive translation!!!!!!! [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  and who are they? [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  Paul lead both singings anyway/gad 2 c'em reunited @old age [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  Really confuses me, just found 2 of their concerts live, [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  Sure? I will check again, I thought always Paul Simon [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  我說他自己單獨發聲,很難聽出來 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  他們? 我從來沒聽到過Garfunkel 的聲音 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  在一片和諧的叫好聲中,專門唱反調兒 PPR=party pooper ,笑坦發明 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  Agreed, I think this is A->B condition, not [美語世界] - 移花接木(73 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  +1, PPR, 我最近再唱sound of silence感到自己發聲進步不用使勁擠了,Paul的發聲還挺難學的 [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  WOW 聽到Paul說這首歌是他們花時間最長去創作的一首歌, [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  God only help those who help themselves. [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  Excuse my French. [美語世界] - 移花接木(167 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  Are you implying yourself? Hahahahahhah [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  Simon& Garfunkel, must be a great song. Happy hump day! [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    #跟帖#  I heard parents are slaves to their children [美語世界] - 移花接木(0 bytes ) 2024-01-24
    APAD:With great power comes great responsibility [美語世界] - 移花接木(889 bytes ) 2024-01-24
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