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    #跟帖#  形象的比喻,加上下一句cowboys‘ land,路漫漫的牛仔西行之旅躍然紙上。願Go兄喜歡新遷的州,新家萬象更新! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-29
    #跟帖#  I have a long way to go longer than longhorns' long history [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-29
    #跟帖#  故鄉的雲在遊子上心上!點睛好句,遊蕩東西南北,故土在心上!ditto! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-27
    #跟帖#  太喜歡前麵兩首了,and within each grian, aworld so grand! 意思押韻都非常好!讚! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-27
    #跟帖#  兩首都是小清新的好詩!喜歡! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-27
    #跟帖#  +100086,blooms along好!應該是singing? [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-27
    #跟帖#  最後一句收尾太有意思了:) [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-25
    #跟帖#  謝謝妖mm鼓勵!很高興能入你眼!龍年吉祥! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-25
    #跟帖#  Go兄謬讚!受你的詩啟發,隨便和幾句:))寫詩你是高手,中英文都是。謝謝鼓勵! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-25
    #跟帖#  隔山隔水幾千重,山水依然冷霧中。+1,好句!Go兄詩情像冬日的霧彌漫,讓人動容。 [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-25
    #跟帖#  stay. The sun will come out with its rays. [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-25
    #跟帖#  Even dogs have their days.Foggy it might be,it won't long [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-25
    #跟帖#  If your are in dismay,Hang on and never despair. [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-25
    #跟帖#  This APAD is opposite to春江水暖鴨先知.Ducks are a better presage:) [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-25
    #跟帖#  Success and failures are but illusions.+100086 [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-25
    #跟帖#  把雪花比喻成碎銀塵,silver dust很有新意!英文小詩裏有天地互相輝映之感,中文詩裏更有照舊人之情! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-25
    #跟帖#  LoL:) [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-25
    #跟帖#  中文裏的,類似,除非你從我身上踏過。 [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-23
    #跟帖#  and was about to consult in a dictionary. Now I am clear. [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-23
    #跟帖#  When I read your post last night, I noticed this expression, [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-23
    #跟帖#  memory is the residue of thought.--Like it! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-23
    #跟帖#  heart of a poet,and capture it. Very poetic English verses! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-23
    #跟帖#  People like Go兄 listen to them and feel a sensation with the [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-23
    #跟帖#  Raindrops are dancing music notes that fly in the cloudy sky [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-22
    #跟帖#  Ditto! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-22
    #跟帖#  天地人和,海天一色,康康好詩! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-21
    #跟帖#  用對比來加強周而複始和情感!好詩! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-21
    #跟帖#  Brief but meaningful! From dark to bright, we are searchin好詩 [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-21
    #跟帖#  What about go east:)) 三十年河東三十年河西:)) [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-19
    #跟帖#  Great write! So go west is equivalent to pioneering. [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-19
    #跟帖#  U r an ace! every stroke I made, the ball go in a hole.詼諧! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-19
    #跟帖#  Everyone slept with the bride? --- very funny!!! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-19
    #跟帖#  +10086! 尤其喜歡這句! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-19
    #跟帖#  霙--ying, 雪花的意思。學習了!這個字也挺有意思,雨字頭下麵一個英,如落英的雨是雪。Go兄好詩! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-19
    #跟帖#  盈盈mm,我回美了。給你拜個晚年!美壇東西越來越多,目不暇接了! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-17
    #跟帖#  your dream never dies but is alive! 詩寓意好,makes us relay. 讚! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-17
    #跟帖#  藍靈的英文詩也很棒,stuck in midstream, fighting in upstream [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-17
    #跟帖#  吹我梅花笛,知音化雪來; 青鳥悠悠下,銜來一剪梅。---Love it! 有意境有情感! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-17
    #跟帖#  太棒了,秋蘭和藍靈的中英文都非常棒!見過高山,方知山高!高山仰止! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-10
    #跟帖#  給盈盈mm拜年!是的,我回國陪父母過年!老家在浙江。盈盈mm龍年吉祥! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-09
    #跟帖#  今天是國內的大年初一,給Go兄拜年!龍年吉祥! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-09
    #跟帖#  北京時間6:04 ,大年初一,借Go兄的寶地給美語壇的每一位網友拜年!祝大家龍年吉祥如意! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-09
    #跟帖#  Thanks for sharing! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-06
    #跟帖#  Chaplin must he a very wise man to make the right decision! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-06
    #跟帖#  History is written by the victors.-- True! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-06
    #跟帖#  好寓意,冰火相容! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-06
    #跟帖#  用水焯過,水中可以加大蔥加薑幫助去腥。 [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-06
    #跟帖#  to accentuate, not overpower, the meat flavor. 謝謝這樣的表達! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-06
    #跟帖#  Let's roll up our sleeves and eat:) 餡炒熟了再包好主意!You‘re a chef! [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-05
    #跟帖#  What a feast! My mouth is watering:) [美語世界] - 暖冬cool夏(0 bytes ) 2024-02-04
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