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    #跟帖#  西方的騙子水平更高,普通百姓不得而知... [我的中國] - zhmz888(37 bytes ) 2010-12-27
    #跟帖#  老貓一點次何樹很的空額!! [我的中國] - zhmz888(20 bytes ) 2010-12-12
    #跟帖#  炸藥獎背後是金融寡頭,這世界上很少人會跟錢(寡頭們的超級武器)過不去的... [我的中國] - zhmz888(38 bytes ) 2010-12-11
    #跟帖#  人的認識是螺旋式向前發展的...有錯必改,與時俱進是很有道理的... [我的中國] - zhmz888(34 bytes ) 2010-12-10
    #跟帖#  又是:自由亞洲電台 give me a break! [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-12-08
    #跟帖#  那個年代... [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-12-08
    #跟帖#  轉自《自由亞洲電台》??? a recipien of american tax dollar??? not worth a [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-12-08
    #跟帖#  6 年前走過,都是工地...希望祖國繁榮昌盛,國強民富.. [我的中國] - zhmz888(27 bytes ) 2010-12-03
    #跟帖#  秦國人 基本是白人基因,連孔夫子哪年代的山東人也是! [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-12-03
    #跟帖#  what about the invisible empire behind those tangible government [我的中國] - zhmz888(84 bytes ) 2010-12-03
    #跟帖#  好!! [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-12-03
    #跟帖#  隻有民主的寶貝:流氓美國和菲律賓還有... [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-11-25
    #跟帖#  毛澤東最後實際上是很失望的,左也不是,右也不好! 所以找女同誌減壓! [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-11-25
    #跟帖#  they need tough guy the handle them!! [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-11-22
    #跟帖#  korean can only raise issue such as 'beef' etc... [我的中國] - zhmz888(31 bytes ) 2010-11-14
    #跟帖#  1983 年,大學夏令營去了大連...順道去了旅順港...看到那東西... [我的中國] - zhmz888(62 bytes ) 2010-11-01
    #跟帖#  you are bit late, more than 30 ys ago, lots of us had already ma [我的中國] - zhmz888(115 bytes ) 2010-10-31
    #跟帖#  挪威在哪裏??? 農委在哪裏??? 誰還信炸藥獎??? [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-10-15
    #跟帖#  為了那點NED讚助,賣了良心...還好意思說沒敵人?? [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-10-12
    #跟帖#  too young tooo naive! if you are selling lollies... [我的中國] - zhmz888(41 bytes ) 2010-10-11
    海龜之下場:哈爾濱前副市長朱勝文自殺內幕 [我的中國] - zhmz888(7523 bytes ) 2010-10-11
    #跟帖#  all your hits are tracked... if you try to visit sites of commun [我的中國] - zhmz888(29 bytes ) 2010-10-11
    #跟帖#  it is a widely accepted practice to counter-terror mechinism! [我的中國] - zhmz888(40 bytes ) 2010-10-10
    #跟帖#  講穿了,就是金融寡頭想要發人民幣的權力,他們已經在發現世界所有有影響的貨幣了!!! [我的中國] - zhmz888(39 bytes ) 2010-10-09
    #跟帖#  中國的國慶...高興地當然隻會是中國人.. [我的中國] - zhmz888(57 bytes ) 2010-10-01
    #跟帖#  實際上沒有幾個中國人不知道遠親不如近鄰... [我的中國] - zhmz888(1545 bytes ) 2010-09-30
    #跟帖#  常規是先理後兵。。。 [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-09-25
    #跟帖#  中國人在中國的海域被日本執法艦船騷擾並抓捕?? [我的中國] - zhmz888(62 bytes ) 2010-09-25
    #跟帖#  回複:蔣孝嚴:釣魚台屬全體中國人 [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-09-24
    #跟帖#  我簽名: 千禧日犇 [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-09-14
    #跟帖#  隻要不是錢主就行! [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-09-07
    #跟帖#  底層知識青年無非是要口飯吃! ... [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-08-25
    #跟帖#  you cannot even drink water over there... [我的中國] - zhmz888(11 bytes ) 2010-08-25
    #跟帖#  who dares go to philipine... so many mistakes in one go [我的中國] - zhmz888(55 bytes ) 2010-08-24
    #跟帖#  government got some resposibility of town planing [我的中國] - zhmz888(136 bytes ) 2010-08-13
    #跟帖#  中華民國與中華人民共和國都是一部分的中國 good touch [我的中國] - zhmz888(4 bytes ) 2010-08-08
    #跟帖#  human being wants quick&cheap...that's what they get [我的中國] - zhmz888(95 bytes ) 2010-08-05
    敬告世界各國的的當權者:革命還是改良不是笑話! [我的中國] - zhmz888(85 bytes ) 2010-07-22
    #跟帖#  google: the most wanted....you will find... [我的中國] - zhmz888(85 bytes ) 2010-07-11
    #跟帖#  trouble is he may got paid for his connection with [我的中國] - zhmz888(21 bytes ) 2010-07-06
    #跟帖#  see how parrots become pest... [我的中國] - zhmz888(6359 bytes ) 2010-06-17
    #跟帖#  pet vs pest?? ... [我的中國] - zhmz888(113 bytes ) 2010-06-17
    #跟帖#  2 or 3 weeks oK, but more than that?? [我的中國] - zhmz888(204 bytes ) 2010-06-09
    #跟帖#  it is better have war in Korea than in Northern China. [我的中國] - zhmz888(69 bytes ) 2010-06-09
    #跟帖#  students had compromised during the similar events.. [我的中國] - zhmz888(627 bytes ) 2010-06-04
    #跟帖#  1938 RUSSION STIRED UP WAR IN SHANGHAI AGAINST JAPS [我的中國] - zhmz888(64 bytes ) 2010-05-31
    #跟帖#  中國人得一腔熱血,往往是被利用了...太多曆史..太多現在進行時 [我的中國] - zhmz888(456 bytes ) 2010-05-31
    #跟帖#  ding! [我的中國] - zhmz888(0 bytes ) 2010-05-08
    #跟帖#  it is contractor's fault.. wash hands... [我的中國] - zhmz888(202 bytes ) 2010-04-17
    #跟帖#  lust of human cannot be fullfilled anyway... [我的中國] - zhmz888(189 bytes ) 2010-04-13
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