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    #跟帖#  蔣該死愚蠢以德報怨,農夫和蛇的故事 [幾曾回首] - AsianTiger(49 bytes ) 2012-09-17
    毛太祖對中國的幾大貢獻 [幾曾回首] - AsianTiger(1262 bytes ) 2012-09-09
    #跟帖#  回複:《環球時報》稱中日開戰將雪世紀之恥 [幾曾回首] - AsianTiger(166 bytes ) 2012-08-31
    #跟帖#  毛是大戰略家,該親蘇就親蘇,該親美就親美,國家利益來決定 [幾曾回首] - AsianTiger(0 bytes ) 2012-08-26
    #跟帖#  華西村is the only村without個體經營化, it is the best one in China, or wor [幾曾回首] - AsianTiger(0 bytes ) 2012-08-13
    #跟帖#  毛建設黃河海河淮河,當然是豐功偉績 [幾曾回首] - AsianTiger(200 bytes ) 2012-08-12
    #跟帖#  農業學大寨 is a movement in the whole country [幾曾回首] - AsianTiger(205 bytes ) 2012-08-12
    #跟帖#  Yes, 大寨解決了中國曆史上農村從未解決的問題 [幾曾回首] - AsianTiger(384 bytes ) 2012-08-12
    #跟帖#  you need to learn basic agricultural knowledge and Chinese histo [幾曾回首] - AsianTiger(1069 bytes ) 2012-08-12
    #跟帖#  stupid and naive opinion with basic agricultural knowledge [幾曾回首] - AsianTiger(1284 bytes ) 2012-08-12
    #跟帖#  Bull shirt [幾曾回首] - AsianTiger(0 bytes ) 2012-07-25
    #跟帖#  劉少奇迫害人更殘酷,殺救命恩人掩蓋變節,終得報應 [幾曾回首] - AsianTiger(0 bytes ) 2012-07-23
    #跟帖#  推背圖第四一象conclusion: Lin is bad [幾曾回首] - AsianTiger(1182 bytes ) 2012-06-22
    #跟帖#  柴玲 should be forced to work as a prostitute [幾曾回首] - AsianTiger(0 bytes ) 2012-06-21
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