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    #跟帖#  豈有此理,拿STH開玩笑。看腳!!! ~&~ (圖) [難得一笑] - STH(98 bytes ) 2005-12-07
    #跟帖#  就是不空才去。不過你沒有慧根,去了我還不定收你 ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-07
    #跟帖#  我昨天看了一些,是好笑。你去把它轉過來吧 [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-07
    #跟帖#  豈有此理,拿和尚來開玩笑 看刀!!! ~&~! (圖) [難得一笑] - STH(64 bytes ) 2005-12-07
    #跟帖#  回複:朝鮮女足 [難得一笑] - STH(14 bytes ) 2005-12-07
    #跟帖#  回複:I think all of them are women. [難得一笑] - STH(26 bytes ) 2005-12-07
    #跟帖#  回複:猜猜哪一個是女的? (答案) (圖) [難得一笑] - STH(71 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    體育成人搞笑版 (組圖) [難得一笑] - STH(1968 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    #跟帖#  nice! [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    經常看黃色網站的小學生寫出來的作文 zt [難得一笑] - STH(2278 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    猜猜哪一個是女的? [難得一笑] - STH(113 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    可愛的動物“雙胞胎”(圖集) [難得一笑] - STH(816 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    #跟帖#  99, 明天見 ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    趣圖數幅 [難得一笑] - STH(1954 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    #跟帖#  儂是先生,阿拉同儂更加過不去 ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    #跟帖#  哼,誰搗亂我就跟她搗亂,誰不乖我就比她還不乖 ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    #跟帖#  偏偏不刪。誰敢刪跟誰過不去。 ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    東吳 BBS 戰前動員 - 幫樓下[兒易生牛耳]貼的 (組圖) [難得一笑] - STH(904 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    #跟帖#  昏,看不到紅叉的說一聲 ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    #跟帖#  我看不到,有人能看到嗎?說一聲 [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    #跟帖#  回複:回複:報複是一種美學 - 這個MM夠陰毒 (視頻) [難得一笑] - STH(36 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    #跟帖#  Grant 說他非常有興趣和你一起練習 ~&~ (圖) [難得一笑] - STH(89 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    四格漫畫 (少兒不宜) [難得一笑] - STH(1440 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    報複是一種美學 - 這個MM夠陰毒 (視頻) [難得一笑] - STH(181 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    #跟帖#  吐?還沒有合格,我去叫SN2來嘴把嘴地輔導你 ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    16歲和26歲 zt [難得一笑] - STH(2436 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    #跟帖#  拍MP示範:你什麽時候打算出英語900句係列 - 貼圖900幅 [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-06
    #跟帖#  而且還沒學好,易出錯,一不小心就把什麽STH和他前妻的貼給刪了 [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  是要用 quicktime 放的,如果你沒有 plug-in 的話... [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  介個問題太嚴重了! 你累次嫁禍於領導, 哼。 [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  do u also know that I won't because it's mine? ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  十年前拍的古董錄象,質量太差,應該刪! ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    如果看不到樓下那個絕對酷的 Video,請進這裏 (重貼) [難得一笑] - STH(188 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  一看就知道你神經不夠粗,所以看不到 [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  好有趣的名字,用了快兩年了吧。那個算性格的帖子還在嗎? [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  哎呀,公開對班長進行“人生”(地不熟般的)攻擊,還說沒天理? [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  I can delete that 2, you know ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  [神經比水管粗] 是不是代表有神經病,哈哈,開開玩笑 ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  噢,可能用錯 video player,其它人能看到嗎? [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  I can delete that, you know ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    貼個絕對酷的 Video, 暫時還不會呼呼 ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(202 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  酷 as in 酷死,苦死,哭死 [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    Cyril的魔術 - [網際如風] 提供 (視頻) [難得一笑] - STH(157 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    超強的售車廣告 (組圖) [難得一笑] - STH(1923 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    四格漫畫 - 豔遇美女 [難得一笑] - STH(1278 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  噢,前兩天是誰貼過的,告訴我,我去把它刪掉! ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  朱肚皮同學在嗎? (小聲地說) 老師,是朱月坡 [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  飯頓頓都吃,心情天天都好!你的生日過得愉快嗎? [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  你不去睡,又爬出來幹嗎?這兒有我呢! ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
    #跟帖#  有你搗亂如何放心?幸好我換班趕到! ~&~ [難得一笑] - STH(0 bytes ) 2005-12-05
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