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    #跟帖#  謝謝 [移民論壇] - yvrsea(0 bytes ) 2010-08-11
    #跟帖#  回複:必須攜帶父母雙方護照和美國有效身份的原始證件.回複:急!要帶9個月的寶寶回國 已經辦了美國護照 需要去領事館簽證 是第一 [移民論壇] - yvrsea(68 bytes ) 2010-08-11
    #跟帖#  AR-11 online [移民論壇] - yvrsea(0 bytes ) 2010-08-05
    #跟帖#  回複:開車到加拿大, 隻帶公民紙行嗎? 來不急辦護照了. [移民論壇] - yvrsea(12 bytes ) 2010-07-03
    #跟帖#  回複:關於J1的兩年回國服務 [移民論壇] - yvrsea(41 bytes ) 2010-06-03
    #跟帖#  回複:中國護照+楓葉卡+H1,去加簽回美H1,能簽一年多次嗎? [移民論壇] - yvrsea(163 bytes ) 2010-05-28
    #跟帖#  回複:請問收到綠卡批準的EMAIL後多久可以拿到綠卡。 [移民論壇] - yvrsea(53 bytes ) 2010-05-22
    #跟帖#  回複:H1B回國,反簽入關複雜case請各位老師幫忙 [移民論壇] - yvrsea(75 bytes ) 2010-05-18
    #跟帖#  回複:美國綠卡可以無簽證去加拿大嗎? [移民論壇] - yvrsea(17 bytes ) 2010-05-09
    #跟帖#  回複:急問 倆本護照出入境問題 [移民論壇] - yvrsea(22 bytes ) 2010-04-28
    #跟帖#   [移民論壇] - yvrsea(0 bytes ) 2010-04-06
    #跟帖#  回複:翻箱倒櫃沒找到I-140和I-485的receipt notice,記憶裏從沒收到過 [移民論壇] - yvrsea(109 bytes ) 2010-04-04
    #跟帖#  回複:西雅圖地區,打指紋後多久可以拿到綠卡?謝謝!! [移民論壇] - yvrsea(52 bytes ) 2010-03-30
    #跟帖#  回複:加拿大綠卡,可以從美國租車從美國開到加拿大嗎? [移民論壇] - yvrsea(1220 bytes ) 2010-03-30
    #跟帖#  回複:J1沒有 waiver可以轉語言學校的F1嗎 [移民論壇] - yvrsea(104 bytes ) 2009-11-28
    #跟帖#  有個小問題 [移民論壇] - yvrsea(90 bytes ) 2009-11-26
    #跟帖#  No [移民論壇] - yvrsea(0 bytes ) 2009-11-23
    #跟帖#  回複:canada登陸問題(3 years old小孩沒有申請PR) [移民論壇] - yvrsea(236 bytes ) 2009-11-13
    #跟帖#  回複:有一年多次往返簽證的護照快過期,換新護照後簽證如何辦? [移民論壇] - yvrsea(124 bytes ) 2009-11-05
    #跟帖#  回複:持加護照,駕車回加時,如何交回I-94,必須嗎? [移民論壇] - yvrsea(66 bytes ) 2009-10-25
    #跟帖#  回複:請教:綠卡去墨/加的問題!!! [移民論壇] - yvrsea(98 bytes ) 2009-10-23
    #跟帖#  回複:H1B永遠不會被拒,隻可能被check,這種說法可信嗎? [移民論壇] - yvrsea(42 bytes ) 2009-10-13
    #跟帖#  回複:緊急求問一下.明天I-485打指紋剛看到要求要帶護照和駕照.可護照正在更新還沒取回來,隻帶駕照去可以嗎 [移民論壇] - yvrsea(83 bytes ) 2009-10-08
    #跟帖#  No [移民論壇] - yvrsea(0 bytes ) 2009-10-01
    #跟帖#  回複:我想請問一下這裏的老師,互惠生J-1簽證可以直接找學校轉F-1嗎?謝謝你的回答 [移民論壇] - yvrsea(140 bytes ) 2009-08-24
    #跟帖#  回複:緊急求助! 綠卡開車去加拿大和回美問題, 護照過期 [移民論壇] - yvrsea(449 bytes ) 2009-08-21
    #跟帖#  Yes [移民論壇] - yvrsea(0 bytes ) 2009-07-22
    #跟帖#  回複:485的緊急問題,向各位大俠們求助!實在太鬱悶了 [移民論壇] - yvrsea(131 bytes ) 2009-07-18
    #跟帖#  回複:Go to Canada [移民論壇] - yvrsea(568 bytes ) 2009-07-08
    #跟帖#  回複:EB1B [移民論壇] - yvrsea(18 bytes ) 2009-07-08
    #跟帖#  Yes, I did about a week ago. [移民論壇] - yvrsea(0 bytes ) 2009-07-06
    485 Soft LUD after card ordered and approval sent [移民論壇] - yvrsea(278 bytes ) 2009-07-06
    140 pending, 綠卡收到了或ordered [移民論壇] - yvrsea(166 bytes ) 2009-06-25
    #跟帖#  A follow-up question for a similiar situation. [移民論壇] - yvrsea(170 bytes ) 2009-06-25
    #跟帖#  回複:It is normal. My 140 is still pending, GC was received 2 mont [移民論壇] - yvrsea(95 bytes ) 2009-06-25
    #跟帖#  回複:請問從美國走去加拿大Landing,開朋友的車去會不會有什麽問題? [移民論壇] - yvrsea(730 bytes ) 2009-05-01
    FYI, H1B Cap Exempt Processing Time [移民論壇] - yvrsea(131 bytes ) 2009-04-13
    打手印 [移民論壇] - yvrsea(182 bytes ) 2009-04-04
    #跟帖#  Thanks! [移民論壇] - yvrsea(0 bytes ) 2009-04-01
    回國的問題,稍微有點複雜 [移民論壇] - yvrsea(492 bytes ) 2009-04-01
頁次:1/1 每頁50條記錄, 本頁顯示140, 共40  分頁:  [1]
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