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    #跟帖#  no problem. it's at home so check back tonite [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2008-03-14
    #跟帖#  回複:About your RFE? Do you have the Officer #? [移民論壇] - xiaoha(139 bytes ) 2008-03-14
    #跟帖#  多謝! [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2008-03-14
    #跟帖#  回複:TSC [移民論壇] - xiaoha(50 bytes ) 2008-03-14
    就這樣綠了 [移民論壇] - xiaoha(140 bytes ) 2008-03-14
    #跟帖#  5-6-7-10-11-12 here [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2008-03-13
    #跟帖#  真有才!! [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2008-03-13
    #跟帖#  GXGXGXGXGX!!!!! [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2008-03-13
    #跟帖#  possible [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2008-03-12
    #跟帖#  等輪到EB3就隻有"明年請早"了.... [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2008-02-15
    #跟帖#  CO - 回複:心願是好的,不過,肯定是按照RD來批 [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2008-02-13
    #跟帖#  thanks! looking fwd to 3/10.... [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2008-02-13
    #跟帖#  great! thank you so much! [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2008-02-08
    #跟帖#  感謝萬分!感謝大家的回複 [移民論壇] - xiaoha(105 bytes ) 2008-01-11
    #跟帖#  太好啦!是我自己糊塗把時間記錯了造成EAD過期 [移民論壇] - xiaoha(58 bytes ) 2008-01-11
    #跟帖#  還以為抓住根稻草,快崩潰了 [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2008-01-11
    just found this: 245(k) [移民論壇] - xiaoha(659 bytes ) 2008-01-11
    #跟帖#  thanks a lot!! [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2008-01-11
    #跟帖#  要是移民局發現時間上的問題怎麽辦?我的485會有麻煩嗎? [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2008-01-10
    #跟帖#  但已經拿了的部分呢?真要命啊 [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2008-01-10
    #跟帖#  xiaobaitu及各位高人快幫忙看看吧!! [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2008-01-10
    #跟帖#  回複:are you working now? [移民論壇] - xiaoha(133 bytes ) 2008-01-10
    急求!!!! EAD過期了忘延期現在該怎麽辦? [移民論壇] - xiaoha(139 bytes ) 2008-01-10
    #跟帖#  EB3太絕望啦 [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2007-10-23
    #跟帖#  關鍵是EB2 [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2007-10-17
    #跟帖#  終於有個EB3放出來!恭喜! [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2007-09-06
    #跟帖#  is NC the same thing too? [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2007-08-28
    background check = security check? [移民論壇] - xiaoha(408 bytes ) 2007-08-28
    #跟帖#  anyone can share their letter to FL? 3x [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2007-08-28
    #跟帖#  need get a new SSN card [移民論壇] - xiaoha(63 bytes ) 2007-07-10
    #跟帖#  7-10days [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2007-06-25
    #跟帖#  mine had one after FP. no change ever since ( 7+ mo) [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2007-05-09
    #跟帖#  congratulations!! [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2007-04-05
    #跟帖#  got mine in less than 1mon. [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2007-03-21
    #跟帖#  6/06 is still waiting [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2007-03-19
    #跟帖#  very easy to extend H1b, no need to go back [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2007-03-05
    Please help:I-131(AP) filling Question [移民論壇] - xiaoha(130 bytes ) 2007-02-13
    請教:用AP回國後如果485批了,還能用AP入境嗎? [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2007-01-16
    any EB3 485 approval from TSC lately? [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2007-01-03
    #跟帖#  YES! when did u file ur 485? [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2006-12-11
    #跟帖#  9494 [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2006-12-11
    #跟帖#  too late to convert now. just wait ba [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2006-12-11
    #跟帖#  5 年零 7月 still counting here... [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2006-12-11
    #跟帖#  how did u find ur Security review cleared date? [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2006-10-25
    any 485 EB approval from TSC lately? [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2006-10-23
    #跟帖#  when did u do ur physical? [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2006-08-09
    what's the form number for AP application? 3X [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2006-06-20
    this case approved in 21 days!! [移民論壇] - xiaoha(61 bytes ) 2006-06-20
    #跟帖#  agree. most cases left in BEC are Traditional now [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2006-06-14
    #跟帖#  only means they recieved ur case [移民論壇] - xiaoha(0 bytes ) 2006-06-14
頁次:1/2 每頁50條記錄, 本頁顯示150, 共71  分頁:  [1] [2] [下一頁] [尾頁]
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