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    Just green and the TSC system was down [移民論壇] - dietmama(791 bytes ) 2009-04-15
    Share my experience on my case. and hope help [移民論壇] - dietmama(1119 bytes ) 2009-01-16
    非常緊急:No GC on hand, trip 1/25 has H1B stamp,no AP? [移民論壇] - dietmama(213 bytes ) 2009-01-15
    #跟帖#  Correction: 2002 applied LC not EAD. [移民論壇] - dietmama(0 bytes ) 2009-01-15
    GC approved today -7 years waiting. Details see belows. [移民論壇] - dietmama(684 bytes ) 2009-01-15
    Q:GC apporved and 2nd finger print, please answer. [移民論壇] - dietmama(1091 bytes ) 2008-11-13
    Infopass back and infomation share to you [移民論壇] - dietmama(3871 bytes ) 2008-10-28
    Can I verify the USCIS data is correct in Infopass? [移民論壇] - dietmama(281 bytes ) 2008-10-28
    #跟帖#  Be carefule for reschedule [移民論壇] - dietmama(631 bytes ) 2008-10-28
    #跟帖#  回複:Nobody can answer my second question? [移民論壇] - dietmama(101 bytes ) 2008-10-26
    USCIS SR Letter... [移民論壇] - dietmama(762 bytes ) 2008-10-26
    another Q regarding the updated processing time. [移民論壇] - dietmama(319 bytes ) 2008-10-21
    not e-mails update after updated password? [移民論壇] - dietmama(211 bytes ) 2008-10-21
    Can't get GC when FP was expired? [移民論壇] - dietmama(879 bytes ) 2008-10-18
    USCIS starts to FIFO for I-485 case? [移民論壇] - dietmama(890 bytes ) 2008-10-04
    question: 2 YEAR EAD vs. I-485 process? [移民論壇] - dietmama(598 bytes ) 2008-09-17
    #跟帖#  回複:回複:I-485 case is complicated situation, please give some idea [移民論壇] - dietmama(72 bytes ) 2008-09-15
    I-485 case is complicated situation, please give some idea. [移民論壇] - dietmama(516 bytes ) 2008-09-15
    #跟帖#  回複:Situation 1 is better, why? [移民論壇] - dietmama(64 bytes ) 2008-07-19
    收到USCIS letter 但十分困惑? [移民論壇] - dietmama(721 bytes ) 2008-07-18
    #跟帖#  回複:補充: 05/2007 RD, no LUD/RFD since FP in 06/2007 [移民論壇] - dietmama(0 bytes ) 2008-07-08
    #跟帖#  回複:RD 05/07 是07年5月吧?是早該批了。我的 [移民論壇] - dietmama(56 bytes ) 2008-07-08
    擔心,詢問 Second FP會影響FBI NC? [移民論壇] - dietmama(62 bytes ) 2008-07-08
    有人比我還久嗎? PD 12/02 EB3, RD 05/07? [移民論壇] - dietmama(495 bytes ) 2008-07-08
    #跟帖#  回複:張哲瑞說是重大利多,很快清除積案?? [移民論壇] - dietmama(53 bytes ) 2008-04-02
    #跟帖#  今天下班前發現的,快氣炸了了 [移民論壇] - dietmama(0 bytes ) 2008-04-02
    #跟帖#  from hooyou: 背景調查重大利好: 移民局和FBI將很快清除積案 [移民論壇] - dietmama(0 bytes ) 2008-04-02
    #跟帖#  From 张哲瑞: 背景调查重大利好: 移民局和FBI将很快清除积案?? [移民論壇] - dietmama(971 bytes ) 2008-04-02
    USCIS New release 4/2 news-related FBI NC [移民論壇] - dietmama(2060 bytes ) 2008-04-02
    Share -Called TSC today [移民論壇] - dietmama(933 bytes ) 2008-03-07
    百感交集且無奈的等待,一大酷刑! [移民論壇] - dietmama(175 bytes ) 2008-03-04
    #跟帖#  回複:EB3今天綠了 [移民論壇] - dietmama(70 bytes ) 2008-03-03
    #跟帖#  It's hard after 6 years waing... [移民論壇] - dietmama(386 bytes ) 2008-03-03
    called TSC today and got bad answer [移民論壇] - dietmama(871 bytes ) 2008-03-03
    TSC VS. NSC visa number? [移民論壇] - dietmama(206 bytes ) 2008-03-02
    USCIS 更新Q&A疑惑? [移民論壇] - dietmama(1247 bytes ) 2008-02-28
    急問:AP or H1/H4 入境 [移民論壇] - dietmama(219 bytes ) 2007-11-19
    自從FP後就No LUD 是正常嗎? [移民論壇] - dietmama(75 bytes ) 2007-09-16
    RFE 時間? [移民論壇] - dietmama(193 bytes ) 2007-08-23
    剛想到9月BEC會清除積案,EB2/EB3 排期會再退嗎? [移民論壇] - dietmama(125 bytes ) 2007-08-15
    #跟帖#  回複:全世界.. [移民論壇] - dietmama(0 bytes ) 2007-08-15
    #跟帖#  但bulletin排期出來,就算分配到也不能發... [移民論壇] - dietmama(25 bytes ) 2007-08-15
    EB2/EB3 真的倒退... [移民論壇] - dietmama(104 bytes ) 2007-08-15
    國籍影響綠卡?過去工作? [移民論壇] - dietmama(134 bytes ) 2007-08-14
    #跟帖#  不會吧..我律師也填form 134.. [移民論壇] - dietmama(42 bytes ) 2007-08-14
    預測十月排期,心涼了半截... [移民論壇] - dietmama(238 bytes ) 2007-08-02
    #跟帖#  回複:USCIS 給你批不是,不批也不是... [移民論壇] - dietmama(278 bytes ) 2007-07-31
    #跟帖#  回複:NC請約INFOPASS查, by myself? [移民論壇] - dietmama(51 bytes ) 2007-07-31
    Name check? [移民論壇] - dietmama(377 bytes ) 2007-07-31
    收到工卡之後? [移民論壇] - dietmama(125 bytes ) 2007-07-31
頁次:1/2 每頁50條記錄, 本頁顯示150, 共60  分頁:  [1] [2] [下一頁] [尾頁]
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