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    #跟帖#  如果是你太太申請你,家庭類2A排期大陸台灣現在都是零四年八月 [移民論壇] - giant_hippo(60 bytes ) 2009-03-18
    #跟帖#  你可引用alternate chargeability,用你太太出生地台灣的名額。 [移民論壇] - giant_hippo(318 bytes ) 2009-03-18
    #跟帖#  Canadian citizens don't need H-1B visa [移民論壇] - giant_hippo(125 bytes ) 2009-03-11
    #跟帖#  To get new I-94. POE = Port of Entry. [移民論壇] - giant_hippo(0 bytes ) 2009-02-20
    #跟帖#  Since you're Canadian citizen, just go to POE with I-797 to get [移民論壇] - giant_hippo(0 bytes ) 2009-02-20
    #跟帖#  Your parents cannot go outside US until getting green card [移民論壇] - giant_hippo(72 bytes ) 2009-02-11
    #跟帖#  For F2 dependent, ITIN yes, SSN no. [移民論壇] - giant_hippo(0 bytes ) 2009-02-02
    #跟帖#  follow-to-join 有個前提就是孩子出生必須在父母拿綠卡之前 [移民論壇] - giant_hippo(0 bytes ) 2009-01-31
    #跟帖#  你現在還不能遞I-485 [移民論壇] - giant_hippo(267 bytes ) 2009-01-31
    #跟帖#  有空到邊檢去一趟改回來就是了,大的國際機場都有。 [移民論壇] - giant_hippo(0 bytes ) 2009-01-31
    #跟帖#  如果隻是逾期滯留,沒有其它問題,移民局一般不會刁難 [移民論壇] - giant_hippo(24 bytes ) 2009-01-31
    #跟帖#  綠卡父母在境外生的孩子不用簽證就可入境 [移民論壇] - giant_hippo(154 bytes ) 2009-01-31
    #跟帖#  當然可以 [移民論壇] - giant_hippo(201 bytes ) 2009-01-31
    #跟帖#  為什麽不申請follow-to-join 呢? [移民論壇] - giant_hippo(150 bytes ) 2009-01-31
頁次:1/1 每頁50條記錄, 本頁顯示114, 共14  分頁:  [1]
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