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    #跟帖#  製造。int C 的核心競爭力是製造芯片。 [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-08-02
    #跟帖#  每次msft earning 和有-倆次大跌。下周還有季報,會漲到女大 季報後 [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-08-01
    #跟帖#  再加 [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-07-19
    #跟帖#  再加 [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-07-19
    小魔(mogan stanley) 這兩天拚命打壓百度股價,是要進貨, 還是cover short? [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-05-17
    #跟帖#  zh [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-05-17
    #跟帖#  viot, zepp [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-05-17
    #跟帖#  fsrn good! decent company, better than ffie [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-05-17
    ffie 400% today [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-05-16
    #跟帖#  會不會帶動真“成都迪士尼”上漲? [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-04-14
    有“成都迪士尼”的股票嗎? [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-04-14
    BA is going to 180 tomorrow. [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-04-11
    #跟帖#  Dell, HP, Lenova use it be build server and sell all world. [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-04-09
    but intel! [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-04-09
    AMD??? [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-04-04
    #跟帖#  擠死你! [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-03-27
    #跟帖#  Tesla 關鍵是要把車做好,做到普及化。 [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-03-24
    #跟帖#  即使自動駕駛好, 有幾個人會付一萬塊一年去買自己能做的事? [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-03-24
    Apple in talks to use Baidu's AI model for devices in China [大千股壇] - semibull(93 bytes ) 2024-03-22
    we want Seagull. [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-03-22
    #跟帖#  BA will also up big tommorrow. At least plane for FDX made [大千股壇] - semibull(76 bytes ) 2024-03-21
    #跟帖#  don't buy 160, too much to lose if go south. buy 172, if [大千股壇] - semibull(146 bytes ) 2024-03-21
    #跟帖#  will give $2.42 per share dividend. It give 10% divident [大千股壇] - semibull(133 bytes ) 2024-03-21
    lu - 100% divident [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-03-21
    #跟帖#  ba 和 airbus 是真正霸王。 中國商飛要挑戰至少要5-10 年。 Tesla太多競爭對手。還500Billion [大千股壇] - semibull(29 bytes ) 2024-03-19
    #跟帖#  Good call. I agree [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-03-19
    buy BA as it oversold [大千股壇] - semibull(133 bytes ) 2024-03-13
    #跟帖#  115 B market cap, 8-9B revenue, 15-20% rev growth [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-02-20
    #跟帖#  only chinese stock won't up. US fund don't buy hongkong stoc [大千股壇] - semibull(11 bytes ) 2024-01-13
    #跟帖#  隻是換股, tech->bank [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2024-01-02
    #跟帖#  DiDIY [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-12-31
    #跟帖#  FSR [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-12-31
    Anyone thinking buy. undervalued bidu [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-11-21
    #跟帖#  already 25+ [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-10-26
    buy bidu [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-10-26
    #跟帖#  look at SMIC, taiwan. azus, recently dell. Buffet is still [大千股壇] - semibull(22 bytes ) 2023-10-08
    how to play. VFS? when can short it? [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-08-25
    #跟帖#  byddf [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-08-10
    #跟帖#  在A股,電影,旅遊公司被當AI 概念股 [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-08-09
    #跟帖#  intc, dis. 在1-2年內會翻倍,還要怎麽樣? [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-08-09
    #跟帖#  I am betting with a small position. [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-08-06
    #跟帖#  Disney worth betting. Travel and leisure business is good. [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-08-06
    #跟帖#  wdc 財報不好不降, amd反而降了 [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-08-02
    中概股嚴重低估,3-5x 漲幅 [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-07-30
    #跟帖#  bank, healthcare, even airline [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-07-12
    #跟帖#  Despite that, intel still is largest semiconductor company [大千股壇] - semibull(53 bytes ) 2023-06-02
    #跟帖#  那是不是該買bidu的時候了 [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-05-25
    #跟帖#  Total asset 11,337, but 4078 is good will. Looks like it [大千股壇] - semibull(365 bytes ) 2023-05-22
    #跟帖#  fundamental of "comm" [大千股壇] - semibull(284 bytes ) 2023-05-22
    #跟帖#  you get shares. It is act of unlock share value. [大千股壇] - semibull(0 bytes ) 2023-05-19
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