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    #跟帖#  假裝沒看見! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-04-06
    川普要打第三次世界大戰,把習總扣留在美國,中國怎辦? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-04-06
    #跟帖#  習總屬猴嗎? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-04-06
    #跟帖#  金油快點升上去,水下呆得太久了! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-04-06
    美國一直想打,這次終於找到了一個借口。股市不會也乘機下跌吧? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-04-06
    大炮一響黃金萬兩,明天高開,高走? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-04-06
    習總訪問給美國帶來工作機會和財政收入:移民一個億到美國,為美國種地修高鐵造房子! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(851 bytes ) 2017-04-06
    DryShips Inc. Announces Reverse Stock Split: trash, trash, tras [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(192 bytes ) 2017-04-06
    #跟帖#  down from $90 to $40, now up a little [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-04-06
    等待大跌:大盤每跌1%,買入基金的10%,直到現金用完 [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-04-05
    #跟帖#  今年total 虧了$500,000! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(42 bytes ) 2017-04-05
    DRYS go to 1 now! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-04-05
    零售不行了,金油氣在漲,其實炒股隻要買二個股,終身擁有就行了 [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(21 bytes ) 2017-04-04
    炒股總輸錢,想搞高一下,哪兒可以拿個炒股的慱士學位? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-04-03
    #跟帖#  不一定 [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(56 bytes ) 2017-03-22
    別人想剁手割肉的時候,是你伸手買入的時候了! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(32 bytes ) 2017-03-21
    #跟帖#  hold until above the water [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(69 bytes ) 2017-03-21
    #跟帖#  20% pull back in a week! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-21
    #跟帖#  魚頭不好吃, just bone, no meat! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-21
    兔子不吃窩邊草,有個故事 [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(551 bytes ) 2017-03-17
    燜兔子, [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(770 bytes ) 2017-03-17
    #跟帖#  Merrilledge = Merryl Lynch? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-17
    TNND, not bought [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(40 bytes ) 2017-03-15
    #跟帖#  higher after sale, lower after bought! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-15
    #跟帖#  up to $200 in the end of the year! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-15
    下周金油汽大漲,大盤往死裏跌,隨後 [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(53 bytes ) 2017-03-12
    #跟帖#  Pennsylvania is the same! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-12
    #跟帖#  鬼仙穀! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-10
    下周鹿死誰手? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(83 bytes ) 2017-03-10
    #跟帖#  Trade stocks to prevent Dementia! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-10
    #跟帖#  老狼不去"健壇"傳教,來"股壇"淘金了? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(36 bytes ) 2017-03-10
    炒股輸錢的主要原因是:割肉不及時 [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(281 bytes ) 2017-03-10
    #跟帖#  Will survive if not play with GAS, OIL and GOLD [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-10
    #跟帖#  no worry, you will get: +1,000,000 in the end of the year! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-10
    #跟帖#  HOLD UNTIL REBOUND! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-10
    #跟帖#  sold DRYS now! scared to death! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-10
    sell UGAZ and DRYS today? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(28 bytes ) 2017-03-10
    #跟帖#  要是誰能看準方向,早己退休渡假去了! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-09
    炒股的痛苦 [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(374 bytes ) 2017-03-09
    便宜沒好貨,好貨不便宜,是應人而異的。 [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(423 bytes ) 2017-03-09
    The wet boat, is floating! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-09
    Lost money in stock, you can bring the company to court to cover [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(122 bytes ) 2017-03-09
    周四周五大漲! [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(41 bytes ) 2017-03-08
    股市跌,金和債券不具有抗跌作用了? 股市就是一個騙局? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-08
    這二天跌,是因為要加息,還是高位回落? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-08
    #跟帖#  down 50% tomorrow? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-08
    #跟帖#  a prison in a Court? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-08
    兔子: it is your 兔子洞? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(136 bytes ) 2017-03-08
    金銀大跌,難道股市還要繼續大漲,漲四年,直到川普歸去? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-06
    GOLD, what happened? [大千股壇] - Tianyazi(0 bytes ) 2017-03-06
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