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    #跟帖#  機構為什麽放出籌碼? [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-30
    #跟帖#  玩三倍天然氣都是往黃泉路奔啊! [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-30
    #跟帖#  Same as UGAZ and DGAZ [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-29
    #跟帖#  No chance for today. Tommorow is possible. [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-27
    #跟帖#  Why do you always try to catch a falling knife? Falling is never [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-26
    #跟帖#  Bankrupcy is coming for sure. [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-22
    #跟帖#  老勃居然討論起我的專業領域了。這裏麵水很深。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-21
    #跟帖#  這裏誰不是錨後拋? [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-21
    #跟帖#  $2.00 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-20
    #跟帖#  大家都盼漲啊! [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-14
    #跟帖#  不成立。要去$32。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-14
    #跟帖#  這是個智力題 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-12
    如果氣今天收在$2.80,UGAZ收在$3.44. 如果明天氣開在$1.40. 請問UGAZ開在哪裏? [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(6 bytes ) 2015-01-12
    #跟帖#  Waiting to buy JDST. [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-12
    #跟帖#  $1250 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-12
    記得以前DQ有個人PUMP一隻超級垃圾股。還跟我做技術分析。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(137 bytes ) 2015-01-12
    #跟帖#  錯不錯需要時間證明。現在為時尚早。我挺你。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-12
    #跟帖#  你不但藥不能停,還得加大劑量。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-12
    #跟帖#  不是不爆。時侯未到。我信老勃的。這方麵他比我在行。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(6 bytes ) 2015-01-12
    #跟帖#  我已重倉SPPI。均價$7.13。這個實在不敢再跟了。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-12
    #跟帖#  Nobody knows the end of the year. [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-12
    上周友情提醒:本周氣奔$2.5。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(6 bytes ) 2015-01-12
    #跟帖#  Nothing is immposible! [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-09
    #跟帖#  高人=高位建倉之人? [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-09
    友情提醒:油已先走一步,氣隨後跟上。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(6 bytes ) 2015-01-09
    #跟帖#  I will hold it for long time. [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-08
    #跟帖#  Halted? The results pretty good. Lao Bo, what do you think? [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-08
    CNAT居然不動! [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(6 bytes ) 2015-01-08
    CNAT究竟是$15還是$5?馬上見分曉。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(6 bytes ) 2015-01-08
    #跟帖#  老勃好人啊! [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-08
    友情提醒:CNAT進入倒計時。要賭的趕緊上車。50/50。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(6 bytes ) 2015-01-08
    #跟帖#  4% is nothing. [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-08
    #跟帖#  UGAZ No way! [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-08
    友情提醒:對氣不要抱幻想啦,下周$2.5見 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(6 bytes ) 2015-01-08
    #跟帖#  Too many [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-07
    #跟帖#  有點仁至意盡的意思。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-07
    #跟帖#  我熬不了十個月,也不賭批不批。我賭大波。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-07
    #跟帖#  又一隻羔羊入了狼穴。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-07
    #跟帖#  明天不是批準,是三期結果。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-07
    #跟帖#  老渤是好人。這裏大家都心裏明白。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-07
    #跟帖#  對明天結果如何判斷? [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-07
    SPPI我都熬兩月了。錢還沒賺著。熬到新藥批準還要十個月? [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(6 bytes ) 2015-01-07
    CNAT明天就是豪賭啊。要麽翻倍,要麽折半。誰在賭? [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(6 bytes ) 2015-01-07
    #跟帖#  我都熬兩月了。新藥批準還要熬十個月? [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-07
    #跟帖#  What about SPPI? I am still holding. [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-07
    有情提醒:這周寒冷天氣天然氣不漲,下周天氣回暖,$2.5可期。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(6 bytes ) 2015-01-07
    #跟帖#  人家都磕藥了,你就不能多理解點? [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-06
    天氣下周回暖。天燃氣下周目標$2.5。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(6 bytes ) 2015-01-06
    #跟帖#  現在不玩點黃的都不敢說自己是炒股的。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(0 bytes ) 2015-01-06
    #跟帖#  藥一刻也不能停。還要加大劑量。 [大千股壇] - Liu_Huan(6 bytes ) 2015-01-06
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