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    哈佛校長:faces six new plagiarism charges, 總共50抄襲指控 [時事述評] - bustout(363 bytes ) 2024-01-02
    哈佛學生發表觀點:校長should resign [時事述評] - bustout(267 bytes ) 2023-12-31
    #跟帖#  民主黨這次初選, 確實是把其他候選人除掉,隻有白等一個人留在選票上躺贏。 [時事述評] - bustout(198 bytes ) 2023-12-29
    Michael Cohen admits to inadvertently citing fake cases [時事述評] - bustout(2876 bytes ) 2023-12-29
    Russia launches the biggest aerial barrage of the war [時事述評] - bustout(1690 bytes ) 2023-12-29
    Do ballot challenges against Trump hold up to the Constituti [時事述評] - bustout(214 bytes ) 2023-12-29
    Immigration and DEI racism… [時事述評] - bustout(142 bytes ) 2023-12-28
    Jack Smith failed to 操縱高院大法官,轉向操縱Jameica進口的DC法官 [時事述評] - bustout(11871 bytes ) 2023-12-27
    Devin Nunes: highly unlikely Biden is the nominatee [時事述評] - bustout(238 bytes ) 2023-12-27
    哈佛校長不僅“抄襲門“而且還“拙劣研究門” [時事述評] - bustout(1457 bytes ) 2023-12-27
    Harvard President Gay Allegedly Says If Fired, She Will Sue [時事述評] - bustout(211 bytes ) 2023-12-26
    Trump can't get fair trial anywhere [時事述評] - bustout(194 bytes ) 2023-12-26
    #跟帖#  左得不能再左的雜誌 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-26
    This stinks to high heaven': James Comer on Biden checks [時事述評] - bustout(194 bytes ) 2023-12-25
    NYT, WaPo , 還有The Atlantic三大左媒都呼籲哈佛校長辭職, 看她還能撐多久。 [時事述評] - bustout(3456 bytes ) 2023-12-25
    #跟帖#  不敢苟同。 不過這次大概是刺痛了猶族的利益, 才就這事揪著不放。 NYT大多數是左派的宣傳工具。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-25
    看來NYT要跟哈佛抄襲門沒完。 昨天又發文 [時事述評] - bustout(19042 bytes ) 2023-12-25
    Claudine Gay Plagiarism Scandal ‘Taints the Harvard Brand' [時事述評] - bustout(194 bytes ) 2023-12-24
    #跟帖#  ???? [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-23
    #跟帖#  能比得上左媒炒作幾年的Russisa Collusion, Hunter Biden Laptop 是Russia [時事述評] - bustout(29 bytes ) 2023-12-23
    The Colorado ruling was absurd and ‘laughable [時事述評] - bustout(110 bytes ) 2023-12-23
    a bridge too far for democracy [時事述評] - bustout(214 bytes ) 2023-12-23
    #跟帖#  有沒有犯罪,錄音有沒有犯法,不是由豬說了算,最後都會訴訟到高院 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-23
    #跟帖#  是哪個檢察官想出名, 跳出來表演(起訴)。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  是縣檢察官起訴還是州檢察官起訴? [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  請講講兩者關聯.還有搞清楚presidental record act, [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  是豬有沒有資格開庭的法律障礙。 比如今天DC案 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  財務文件跟財產估計兩回事 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  時候未到。 現在是在地方表演階段 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    Jack Smith's DC case against Trump is imploding [時事述評] - bustout(2523 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  開庭前是不是要排除各種法律障礙, 比如今天DC案, 在開庭前就到達高院啦 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  這個案跟佛羅裏達文件案有關嗎? [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  豬可以這樣歪曲, 辯護方也可以辯護, 有爭議, 層層上訴到美國高院。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  這個不是刑事案。 罰多少錢的問題, 最終也會到高院。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  佐治亞州案: 總統看到選舉有非法行為, 安排調查, 是總統本職工作 (有爭議最終到高院) DC案今天拒絕暗示要到大選結束 [時事述評] - bustout(138 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  所有的案最終都會到美國高院。 高院有權力等到大選結束後判案。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  可以。 川不會被關進監獄。 高院很有可能在大選結束後再判案。但有可能明年初推翻科羅拉多州判決。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    豬最擅長的: 偷稅漏稅(大法官隱瞞老公收入) [時事述評] - bustout(951 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  豬太笨啦, 把川的稅表查幾遍(穆勒大叔倒騰一遍, 紐約倒騰一遍, Smith又倒騰一遍), 砟還不下手捏, [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    Alan Dershowitz on Keeping Gay as President! [時事述評] - bustout(762 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    reaction to 高院ruling [時事述評] - bustout(1571 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    NYT; Excerpts From Dr. Claudine Gay’s Work [時事述評] - bustout(188 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  下次就是非法任命, 沒有資格繼續辦案啦 [時事述評] - bustout(3483 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  這篇? [時事述評] - bustout(10785 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    高院 declines to issue expedited ruling on Trump [時事述評] - bustout(648 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    NYT: Why Harvard's Claudine Gay Should Go [時事述評] - bustout(5979 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    #跟帖#  NYT: Why Harvard's Claudine Gay Should Go [時事述評] - bustout(4665 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    奧巴馬卷入哈佛抄襲門 [時事述評] - bustout(902 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    白等幫二公子斂財的證據 [時事述評] - bustout(729 bytes ) 2023-12-22
    哈佛抄襲門 [時事述評] - bustout(110 bytes ) 2023-12-21
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