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    JD Vance:The Democratic Party has become anti-family [時事述評] - bustout(208 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    #跟帖#  Kamala Harris’ Poisonous Word Salad [時事述評] - bustout(165 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    “A San Francisco Liberal Who Cannot Keep This Country Safe” [時事述評] - bustout(688 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    MINNESOTA—SUMMER OF 2020… [時事述評] - bustout(293 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    #跟帖#  視頻有講黑叔朋友的欺詐腐敗官司被剛選上的三笑撤了 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    Kamala Harris has always done the bidding of donors [時事述評] - bustout(147 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    左左比川普還要著急Schumer calls on Trump to pick new running mate [時事述評] - bustout(266 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    川普anti哈三笑的廣告 [時事述評] - bustout(293 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    JD vance [時事述評] - bustout(595 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    #跟帖#  敗書記81高齡, 哈三笑才幾歲呀? [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    #跟帖#  值得注意的是哈三笑是在深藍的費城拉力, 川是在藍州明尼蘇達拉力 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    Post Biden-drop polling shifts [時事述評] - bustout(374 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    Kamala Harris' record: 'Blizzard of lies' [時事述評] - bustout(208 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    年輕人對2024 選情分析 [時事述評] - bustout(214 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    New Effort for Biden Donors to Demand Their Money Back [時事述評] - bustout(202 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    Propping Up Kamala Harris Won't Work and Trump is STILL WINN [時事述評] - bustout(292 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    Kamala Harris’ Poisonous Word Salad [時事述評] - bustout(5082 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    #跟帖#  俺記得這屆政府啥事都怪上屆政府來著。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    哈三笑建議年輕人不要小孩 [時事述評] - bustout(208 bytes ) 2024-07-28
    #跟帖#  謝謝 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    Can Kamala Harris catch up to Trump before November? [時事述評] - bustout(208 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  Russia Collusion [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  在Amazon 賣的隻有一個版本, 沒看見有第二版本。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    Mark Levin: Kamala Harris is a 'fraud and a phony' [時事述評] - bustout(208 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  wow, 變成偶像啦, LOL [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  還真是每天惦記著船鋪。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    AP Forced to Delete Embarrassing Fact-Check About JD Vance [時事述評] - bustout(242 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    100+ million view and counting [時事述評] - bustout(378 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    Go woke, go broke:Tech company pulls Olympics advertising af [時事述評] - bustout(258 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    JD Vance [時事述評] - bustout(715 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    WOW, MINNESOTA [時事述評] - bustout(574 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  還有六個月打交道, 人家不想得罪任何人。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  記者提問, 假裝聽不見? [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    EXPOSED: The Real Kamala Harris [時事述評] - bustout(214 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  他要是說現任美國副總統沒有希望贏, 會不會有麻煩? [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  川普下星期在賓州也有拉力。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    WSJ POLL [時事述評] - bustout(729 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  whatever [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    除了今天和川普一起到明尼蘇達拉力, Vance 下星期自己3個拉力, 像被踢的樣子嗎? [時事述評] - bustout(94 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    Trump campaign dismisses left's 'absurd' criticism of JD Van [時事述評] - bustout(272 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  左左寫文章挑撥 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    川普和萬斯在明尼蘇達州拉力 [時事述評] - bustout(194 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  加州參議員算不算?加州檢察官算不算? [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  對不起, 俺沒看文章, 隻是幾年前就知道狐狸台的pollster是liberal [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    anti哈三笑ad [時事述評] - bustout(530 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  狐狸台請兩個liberal做的poll [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  西方媒體從來都是按獎牌總數從多到少排 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  狐狸台的pollster的從來都是反川滴, 不信去查過去幾個election cycle [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    #跟帖#  回一張畫 [時事述評] - bustout(91 bytes ) 2024-07-27
    debate [時事述評] - bustout(881 bytes ) 2024-07-27
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