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    救人要緊 [時事述評] - noworry(896 bytes ) 2008-05-15
    地震是自然災害, 沒有什麽了不得 [時事述評] - noworry(745 bytes ) 2008-05-12
    #跟帖#  thanks [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-05-08
    六四與藏獨, 順便說說奧運 [時事述評] - noworry(3601 bytes ) 2008-05-08
    #跟帖#  call your firneds in other place or donate some [時事述評] - noworry(57 bytes ) 2008-05-07
    #跟帖#  thanks for your advice, please vote for Hillary [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-05-07
    黑了瑞, 前進!前進!!前進進!!! [時事述評] - noworry(955 bytes ) 2008-05-07
    #跟帖#  thanks [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-05-06
    #跟帖#  West Virginia. thanks [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-05-06
    #跟帖#  very good point, they are nothing, their endorsemen [時事述評] - noworry(36 bytes ) 2008-05-06
    高爾在的美國政治圈子什麽都不是,即沒有人格, 也沒有政治手腕。 [時事述評] - NoWorry(1011 bytes ) 2008-05-06
    應小芳買房小姐的要求,無憂再次展示其偉大光榮正確瀟灑的形象 [時事述評] - noworry(1129 bytes ) 2008-05-06
    奧把嗎, 看你還能有幾天! [時事述評] - noworry(1261 bytes ) 2008-04-30
    我們要遵守西方的法製,享受西方的自由 [時事述評] - noworry(1654 bytes ) 2008-04-28
    同耷拉坐下來談談, 這是無憂同誌的主張 [時事述評] - noworry(498 bytes ) 2008-04-25
    #跟帖#  thanks [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-24
    #跟帖#  無憂 not 多慮, 知縣 not 糊塗, thanks [時事述評] - NoWorry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-24
    愛祖國不能不吃飯, 愛父母不能不養孩子 [時事述評] - noworry(2634 bytes ) 2008-04-24
    #跟帖#  sorry, it should be: we don't have time to come here [時事述評] - noworry(52 bytes ) 2008-04-23
    #跟帖#  we 祝賀希拉利勝賓州。not time to come just yet. [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-23
    #跟帖#  good question, thanks [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-23
    #跟帖#  thanks, '大美帝國'is a kidding tone. [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-23
    #跟帖#  thanks [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-23
    黑了瑞噴州的勝利說明了什麽? [時事述評] - noworry(2759 bytes ) 2008-04-23
    #跟帖#  thank you very much [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-22
    #跟帖#  you make me laugh, Vote for Hillary, thanks [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-22
    #跟帖#  thanks [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-22
    王候將相寧有種?誰說女子不英豪? [時事述評] - noworry(333 bytes ) 2008-04-22
    #跟帖#  thank you very much [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-21
    祖國跟祖國的國家,政府以及人民是分不開的,分不清的。 [時事述評] - noworry(3019 bytes ) 2008-04-21
    #跟帖#  朋友們請不要憤怒,無憂同誌是借那些假愛國, 真憤青們的語氣說事。 [時事述評] - noworry(191 bytes ) 2008-04-20
    "為人要厚道, 不要CNN." [時事述評] - noworry(609 bytes ) 2008-04-20
    對一個黃毛丫頭王千源 [時事述評] - noworry(283 bytes ) 2008-04-17
    這樣的一家三口 [時事述評] - noworry(853 bytes ) 2008-04-17
    #跟帖#  thanks [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-15
    #跟帖#  you make me laugh, thanks [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-15
    #跟帖#  thank you very much, [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-15
    #跟帖#  we are in the same page, thanks. NW just reminds [時事述評] - noworry(42 bytes ) 2008-04-15
    #跟帖#  thank you very much [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-15
    中國, 你還沒有那麽強大 [時事述評] - noworry(1130 bytes ) 2008-04-15
    #跟帖#  everything and everyone can change as times pass, thanks [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-14
    #跟帖#  大美帝國 is a joke, thanks. NW is a Chinese American. [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-14
    朋友們, 請你尊重達賴, 體諒大陸政府的難處 [時事述評] - noworry(994 bytes ) 2008-04-14
    #跟帖#  this is called one price for two. very good deal, isn't it? [時事述評] - noworry(32 bytes ) 2008-04-14
    #跟帖#  really? try to think one more time, thanks. [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-14
    #跟帖#  thanks for your advice, but please vote for Hillary [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-14
    #跟帖#  good news, never stop commucating or talking. [時事述評] - noworry(90 bytes ) 2008-04-14
    #跟帖#  thanks, you are so intelligent. [時事述評] - noworry(0 bytes ) 2008-04-14
    不要小看我們華裔美國人,更不要誤猜我們華裔美國人 [時事述評] - noworry(1561 bytes ) 2008-04-14
    中國曆來就一個 [時事述評] - noworry(2902 bytes ) 2008-04-12
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